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  • 3,078
    I was in the Big Apple for the past week and unable to host but not unable to test to build a new deck. Lets see how it goes.
  • 3,078
    After weeks of 4322, it's time to jump in to the 84 queue to see if I have learned anything.
  • 3,078
    With winning daily event decklists for the new block constructed now being posted, it's time to start my statistical analysis of the format's winning decks as well as doing a deep dive on one of the big early players of the format - Jeskai.
  • 3,077
    The Vintage world is buzzing over the recent DCI Banned and Restricted list update, and I'm excited about it too! In today's article, I talk about what's gone, and what has come back. Then I talk about deck-building philosophy. Don't miss it!
  • 3,076
    This week Joshua takes us through a Prerelease Swiss Draft. He went deep with Sultai, looking to take advantage of the neat Delve cards that the Brood offers. Does sticking to Delve work out for him or should he have taken a look at a different Khan?
  • 3,076
    Mike is joined by Felix Sloo to talk about the recent banning of Field of the Dead and what it means for Standard! If you're playing in this week's Arena MCQW (or any Standard event) this is a can't miss episode!
  • 3,075
    In this weeks adventure, FatMan will explore the depths of an old Standard favorite, as he tackles the current meta with Faeries. How does he end up doing in the DE?
  • 3,075
    What do you get if you cross a German and a MoDo grinding barbarian? A long haired dunkle!!! Join our returning special guest and the 3 regular hosts, Andy George and Zach for a good time. O, and CC your selves outta here WotC!!
  • 3,073
    A lazy day and a pot of coffee lead to playing in 2 Daily Events. This details a list for Jund called Burst Commander. While packing the power of (Siege-gang Commander)this version of Jund also packs a huge 6 1drop removal spells and a total package of 8 removals buy turn 2. Come along as I take you from the disappointment of States to this weekends minor victory with Jund online. To bad there was no Pre Event this weekend.
  • 3,073
    This week whiff was unable to get into the Daily, so he did the next best thing. Come on in to see every game each prize placing player played.
  • 3,073
    I know everyone has done a Thursday "Night" Magic event but me... but this changes NOW! Also, I've got my draft for this week too. Come read about a sweet block deck and a fun draft!
  • 3,073
    Watch as I explore a format that I originally missed out on! Text and pictures as well as videos of the draft and matches!
  • The New World
    Chalice of the Void's restriction represents the single largest increase of Vintage playables since Alpha. Meanwhile, the three best draw engines of Vintage's history, Gifts, Thirst, Gush, finally coexist. If you're not playing Vintage right now, you're missing out on the most powerful format in its most volatile moment of upheaval.
  • 3,072
    When Wizards of the Coast announced Masters 25 would have cards from every set, the question became what cards haven't been reprinted yet from each set? This series begins with the first sets in Magic history, as well as the various sets meant to bring newcomers into the game.
  • 3,071
    First drafting experiences - Four M11 drafts for your entertainment.
  • 3,071
    What can we learn from the Selesnyan Conclave? And what can we learn about how they play in constructed and especially in Limited?
  • 3,071
    Do you miss the fun and whacky decks? Well you're in luck because this time I bring you some of the craziest shenanigans that can happen in standard. And all of these things are made possible by cards that you didn't even remember were in standard!
  • Cube draft #9
    Guess what? I have another cube draft just for you!
  • 3,070
    I just watched The Village, Signs, Lady in the Water, The Happening and The Sixth Sense all in one day! So, having bleached my eyes for watching four-and-a-half horrible horrible movies, I decided to write up my Premiere Event tournament report... With a twist!
  • 3,070
    Check out PureMTGO's first One Man's Trash!
  • 3,068
    It's Friday! Happy Thanksgiving recovery, for those of you over stuffed on Turkey. And for everyone, check out the news, deck tech (including a Standard deck that is not red or Energy) and prices. Also, Pete ponders the future of MTGO and finds reason for hope. And it's all just a click away.
  • 3,067
    OKCoyote returns with a look at how the Momir BASIC environment has been impacted by the addition of Morningtide. Also, we'll look at the premier event scene this week and name our first Momir Master of the Week.
  • 3,067
    Part b of the Weekend Premier Event Survival Guide
  • 3,067
    Do I win some packs in a 4-3-2-2 or do I go to bed disappointed after my first round loss? Come on in to find out.
  • 3,067
    A brief recap of what's been happening in my life, and... wait for it... Slugapalooza 2015!