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  • 4,366
    In this continuing series of articles, gwyned explores the winning decklists from each week of the PRE MPDC. This week, gwyned explores the power of all 5 mana symbols with Gonchan's Prismatic Rioters. Check out the link for a quick analysis of the decklist and a video-cast of a matchup against a Boros Aggro build.
  • 7,391
    In this continuing series of articles, gwyned explores the winning decklists from each week of the PRE MPDC. This week, gwyned explores endless recursion and a mass of removal with Mikkelinski's build of a Standard Pauper classic - BW Control. Check out the link for a quick analysis of the decklist and a video-cast of its matchup against 4 Color Control.
  • 15,967
    In a new series of articles, gwyned explores the winning decklists from each week of the PRE MPDC. This week, gwyned analyzes the insanity of mass-produced tokens in moromete's winning decklist, TOKENS! and shows off the deck with a quick match.