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  • 2,621
    My first SoM sealed as well as my last M11 draft.
  • 4,841
    Let's take a look at some of the worst 4 booster sealed deck pools that I've had the dishonor of playing.
  • 6,870
    30 card decks are new, exciting, and a bit weird. In this article I will go over four 30 card 4-booster sealed pools and how I go about building decks.
  • 28,522
    Here is a primer to get started on the 4 booster sealed deck format on Magic Online. I also included a tournament report from the first 4 booster sealed deck tournament I entered.
  • 3,917
    a small child sits down with a very powerful but challenging sealed pool from an M11 Release Event Sealed Swiss Queue, walking through the deckbuilding process and four matches of Swiss play!
  • 3,431
    Join Dave playing his TNMO 4-Booster sealed, reading his thoughts of his deck and his plays.
  • 5,818
    After playing two regular sealed tournaments and a two-headed giant, and building 5 total sealed decks, here's my analysis on where the synergies and strengths lie in the format, to help you build stronger decks. I've also included a few thoughts on how draft will differ from sealed, at least in theory.
  • 3,327
    A Zendikar-Zendikar-Worldwake 84 Draft walkthrough and a Rise of the Eldrazi Sealed Pool for you to give some deckbuilding ideas.
  • 7,977
    Urza's Block Sealed Events have finally arrived. The sealed format is interesting, provided you remember a few rules. For instance, Mark Rosewater's plan in this format was to make enchantments matter. (Seriously - some of the most broken cards were everything except enchantments, but one of Maro's plans was to include lots of important enchantments.) This format is all about 3/3s and Enchantments, and - well, read the article.
  • 6,276
    Wait... Didn't we already do this? Look here for my take on Alara Block Boosters and the Holiday Party events.
  • 3,586
    To prepare for the upcomoing PTQ Season , Andrea Fonseca brings a Videotaped Sealed Swiss Walktrough, from deckbuilding and following all the 4 rounds. Even if it didn't go so well it's still a valuable exercise for all the ptqers around, to spot construction and play mistakes.
  • 4,509
    An initial look at the ME3 sealed format, just in time for release events!
  • 5,170
    It is time for the M10 release events to begin. They should be popular - in the paper world, the first print run of M10 is sold out nationwide, and pretty much world-wide. The distributors just don't have it, and my local stores were scrambling to find enough packs to run FNM. It is popular! The release events will come close to paying for themselves in singles. Here's how to make sure you win enough packs to turn a profit.
  • 4,277
    Come inside and read how I spend 90 tickets and play to a 10-2 record in 3 separate M2010 Sealed Events.
  • 4,449
    With much of the focus on drafting, here's a take on a different way to play online limited with Alara Block, the Swiss Sealed deck Queues. First things first, getting the mana right.
  • 3,179
    With the upcoming M2010 release and the Sealed Events being the first chance we'll get to play with the new cards online, I randomized some booster packs and break down a few decks for sealed play.
  • 2,931
    A part-time player looks at what to expect from Released Sealed SSSRRR. The evaluation of a recent pool of cards from a local release event as preparation for the release of Alara Reborn.
  • 3,275
    A good report about a bad format, and some single-card strategy talk.
  • 2,216
    Hydralord takes a look at a Lorwyn Block Sealed pool. With Morningtide coming out on Monday, read his strategies to building sealed decks here!
  • 2,138
    Hipuncle is back with the second part of his sealed deck series.
  • 2,546
    hipuncle gives us a guide to building sealed decks with Morningtide. This article could help you when the newest set comes to MTGO!
  • 2,828
    A look at an interesting Sealed pool that is deceptively hard to build. What is the best build? Can it post a winning record?
  • 2,467
    Join me as I take apart a Lorwyn sealed pool in this article. The last tribal themed set featured all stars like Sparksmith, Exalted Angel and Gravel Slinger, what do we have to look forward in this brand new limited format?
  • 6,384
    I was sure I would not be playing in any release events for this set. However, a league that contained several friends made me open my wallet. How did I do as I took a walk down memory lane and battled with cards that had no seen print since the early 90's?
  • 3,331
    Well, I'm not done drafting yet, but I wanted to take a break from the drafting grind. Watch me build a sealed deck for a recent OTJ qualifier, and follow me as I go through the event and play some late night Magic!