2,106Paul and AJ delve deep into the state of MTGO, with a stark warning to everyone running an older operating system. (Winter is coming!)
2,106Shane takes you through the newest Magic draft format, Iconic Masters! See every pick of every pack and the thought process behind them.
2,105It's been a while what with a slowed down summer and a new website in the makings, but whiffys here this week with the last 3 PE'S, 2 decks and 2 top 8's!
2,102It is a great Legacy deck and recently has been showing up again in Modern. Is the deck good enough to compete with the top of the Modern Format?
2,102In this article, I will talk about the many surprises that happened during the Grand Prix Las Vegas. From fresh cards to crazy decks and young pilots, is it really true: "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas?"
2,101Eventide has changed things a lot and I have not done well in the new format. Check the draft to see how my life has gone since PureMTGO has been away.
2,101Zach drops in for some VMA draft coverage - see what The_Hoff brings in a random queue
2,100Like having good mana? Like knowing ALL your options? This week we look at all 126 lands legal in Pauper.
2,099Join Sebastian and AJ during Land Week as they dig through the latest news, delve into the recent Beta tweaks and make ready for the biggest scheduled downtime in months. There's a storm coming...
2,098TRIBAL APOCALYPSE, the only LEGACY TRIBAL WARS tournament in the whole wide world. The Tribal format, the Tribal players, the Tribal decks, and everything else.
2,098I take a look into the Lair of Behemoths for exciting Modern content.
This Week in Standard MTG with CMunster80 - more M13 Spoilers, PT Manila and SCG Indianapolis report2,097This week I take a look at the new planeswalkers in M13, plus the winners of PT Manila and SCG Indianapolis.
2,097Marcos goes over an M15 Sealed daily, draft decks he's had and his thoughts on the V4 client.
2,097This week Marcos takes on triple Eldritch Moon, another prerelease pool, and Magic 2010!
2,097Join me for a wrap up of the previous adventure and then a complete new league with RW Vehicles!
2,095Each month, PureMTGO runs a custom card contest. December's challenge was to provide an alternative way to cast a card. Here are the results, as well as commentary from two of the judges.
2,095Who needs article substance when you have a catchy title? Put on your leg warmers and get ready to exercise those braincells. Join me again this week for another adventure where you, the reader, make the decisions.
2,095I talk through a recent FnM draft then show you an M13 MTGO Swiss Draft, both of which feature Green.
2,095This week on MTGO Theater we're featuring two Shadows over Innistrad drafts!
2,095After Iconic Masters had its surprise announcement, it was clear it would be a difficult design. How do you design a Masters set focused on the casual market?
2,095Join us (Paul and AJ) look into the bright lights, notice new hires, and mention a secret lair giveway to honor Black History.
2,094LongTimeGone or ChrisMH77 hosts and I move back in. Silverblack Nemesis Week 7, June 10th.
2,094Modern is not the pioneering format anymore, but it's still around!
2,093Oh the humanity... this week brings us the horrors many were expecting to see with V3.
2,093After a brief period of drafting old school sets, Rick is back to Ravnica - and with one of his best limited decks yet in the format. Details inside!