5,294Short answer: Yes
5,293Welcome to my financial based card evaluations for the current pre-Khans of Tarkir Standard environment.
5,292After earning a spot in the Top 4 consistently in the last few weeks of PDCMagic's Standard Pauper weekly PRE with his favorite decklist, this new writer bemoans its departure due to the upcoming rotation and explores what makes this deck such a great choice in the current Standard Pauper metagame.
5,290Voulez-vous jouer Tribal avec moi, ce soir?
5,289Pro Tour Valencia is just around the corner, so the Extended format is seeing a lot of hype! Bubbakush takes a look at a legal extended combo with a turn one kill set up specially for the budget casual crowd. Interested? Click the link to find out more!
5,289Here in I talk about the Ham on Wry event, bounties, Classic format casual decks, and give you tons of lists for other formats. There is also a hidden bonus section with tips for improving your own articles and an Easter egg of sorts.
5,289The first Mirrodin follow-up was the ultra-powerful Darksteel, aka the Arcbound Ravager Drama Hour. Let's see what other creatures were there and how obsessive and out of hand the artifact theme actually became.
5,288Today we look at an explosive Commander and game report that comes about from a reader submission! Huge amounts of mana and large creatures anticipated in this EDH game!
5,280Flippers brings you all the price changes for the month and has a look at pre-order costs for Scars cards and a look at some possible spoiler cards for ME4, but I'll leave you to decide if they really are.
5,278Join us (AJ and Paul) as we discuss Dominaria, Masters 25, and Omerta.
5,276Due to a horribly hectic schedule which any college student in the last two weeks of a semester can sympathize with, Shard brings last weeks decks, a quick reminder about this coming weekend's tribal pauper event, and maybe a sample decklist or two.
5,276Who says there are no Legacy playable cards in Commander 2015!?
5,275First thoughts about a new MTGO-only format that doesn't accept anything which isn't golden.
5,274“I am woman, hear me roar!” How Kemba stole my heart. Plus, a personal editorial on the social contract.
5,274Continuing with our week-long celebration of Dragons, RexDart takes a look at the history of Dragons in competitive play, from Alpha to Theros.
5,274It's Friday! Battle For Zendikar spoilers are coming fast, but we are still three weeks from the online Prerelease. Leagues are back - in constructed form at least - and Wizards had to raise the cap to let everyone in. All that, plus more news, and R&D Challenge, deck tech, prices and so forth, all just a click away.
5,273Spencer reviews the new Challenger Decks that just came out.
5,273Join us (Paul and AJ) as we spoil both Brothers War cards and BW Commander cards.
5,272The meta of SOM Block Constructed has changed completely. All those Control decks and midrange decks disappeared from the tournament scene and instead of those the format has tons of different Aggro decks; and each is faster than the other. And this week I examine those decks and introduce them to you. This week dear readers, I reveal those Hidden Gems of Mirrodin to you.
5,267Three casual approaches to control decks in Vanguard.
5,267Join us (AJ and Paul) as we discuss banned and restricted list changes, the M19 online prerelease, and topics far afield.
5,266I have the cards for most of the Tier One standard decks. I'm playing Glittering Wish Control. I should be testing my Block decks for the PTQs. Instead, I'm playing Glittering Wish Control. Want to have a lot of fun playing Standard? Try Glittering Wish Control.
5,266Check out today's article for a green-white deck with tons of creatures that come with some sort of built-in protection. If Guardian Seraph sounds like fun, then this deck just may be for you!
5,266TRIBAL APOCALYPSE, the only TRIBAL WARS tournament in the whole wide world. The Tribal format, the Tribal players, the Tribal decks, and everything else.
5,265The second part of the Pauper Standard New Phyrexia review. Follow PiDave as he finishes to look at the set, one card at a time. Bonus Top10 at the end of the article!