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  • 3,458
    Thanks to its odd templating, this card is capable of some ridiculous things.
  • 2,222
    Success and failure at Melbourne
  • 32,190
    Puremtgo.com is proud to unveil our Shadows over Innistrad preview card, Engulf the Shore
  • 1,955
    With the end of a Standard format comes a stagnation in interesting brews. This week, Shane takes a look back at the current Standard format and sees what decks will survive rotation and which will fall by the wayside.
  • 5,124
    It's Friday! Myr Superion is bugged, and playing is is unfair (also a CoC violation, so don't.) Shadows over Innistrad is close enough to send shivers down spines, but it's not quite here yet. However, formats and prices are getting ready. Will we have bannings in Modern? Magic 8 ball says ask again later...
  • 3,492
    This time around, Arctic decided to take burn into a Pauper Classic Tuesday’s event. Let’s see how he did!
  • 3,367
    Aggressive decks, counter spells, and targeted removal have become dominant forces in the Pauper metagame. Anthony looks to combat them with Goblin tokens and a spicy splash of Black!
  • 2,953
    The second part of the series will cover when to go for the kill in an aggro deck. Join me as I cover these important skills and answer the important question of when should I?
  • 1,714
    This week on Limited Time Only Spencer and Drew discuss having priorities in draft and how things can change throughout the draft.
  • 3,209
    TRIBAL APOCALYPSE, the only LEGACY TRIBAL WARS tournament in the whole wide world. The Tribal format, the Tribal players, the Tribal decks, and everything else.
  • 2,992
    I watch a lot of streamers. The last couple weeks, one of the bigger streaming "groups" has decided to run a 100-Ticket Modern event, with Eye of Ugin banned, for 20 of their streamers. This got me to thinking, not only about how cheap it can be to play competitively in Modern, but also how we may see a surge in Standard budget/low-cost decks post rotation.
  • 2,850
    The struggle ends, and then begins again!
  • 1,889
    Join Paul and AJ as they review spoilers man was not meant to know, speculate on inhuman intelligences surpassing their creators, and wrestle with a multiplying myriad of bugs. All this and more!
  • 4,272
    After taking a week off, the Modern Flashback Series is back with the original Ravnica set. How are our card evaluation skills impacted by the intense focus on the guilds?
  • 3,255
    We've made it to one of the, if not most, popular blocks in Magic, Ravnica! Starting up is a focus on four guilds: Boros, Dimir, Selesnya, and Golgari. Join me after the jump to see what this flashback brings!
  • 2,990
    Hitting more than one bird with a stone is often regarded as a positive result. When it comes to banning cards, is this idiom always true?
  • 2,732
    Back to Vintage Cube for this one!
  • 1,584
    This week Marcos goes over 3 different Limited formats and talks about the value of leagues.
  • 4,553
    Come on in, casual players.
  • 2,764
    There are a few different forms of Pauper Tron, and they look very different from the creature-based version you're used to in Modern. Find out how to use Urza lands to your advantage versus the Pauper field!
  • 3,297
    Anthony is tired of losing his precious Goblins to Electrickery. Check out his latest version of Goblins that fights through the sideboard hate and stomps his opponents into dust!
  • 7,428
    It's Friday. We have news! Worth has spoken of leagues and improvements and promos and more. The Legacy Challenge is tomorrow, and we will have a streamer showdown next week. We also have prices, deck tech and more, and another judge puzzle. All just a click away.
  • 1,961
    In his first article here at puremtgo.com, Arctic_Ghost brings us his take on RUG Tron in pauper and runs it through a Pauper Classic Tuesday event. How did he do? Let’s find out!
  • 5,605
    There I sat, at the players meeting. I as mere minutes away from turning in my deck list for GP: Detroit. I looked down at my GR Eldrazi list. I scrawled "1033" in the upper corner...my table number for the players meeting. And then, something happened...
  • 3,493
    TRIBAL APOCALYPSE, the only LEGACY TRIBAL WARS tournament in the whole wide world. The Tribal format, the Tribal players, the Tribal decks, and everything else.