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  • 1,822
    It's the 100 article celebration...3 articles later! Join Marcos as he takes you through BFZ Sealed/Draft, Origins Draft, and Innistrad Draft!
  • 3,730
    The big mana engine that could is being reassembled in Classic Pauper. Today Jason goes over the Tron strategy and its many forms!
  • Vintage DE#20
    Here's a 4 round Daily of Vintage playing Oath
  • 5,692
    A new deck has made its way into the Legacy scene all thanks to a new card from Battle for Zendikar. What's the deck? What's the card? Come find out!
  • 4,651
    It's Friday. We have had a bunch of updates from Worth Wollpert, Lee Sharpe and others. GP Seatac had 2000 players playing Legacy. We have the card pool and prize pack contents for the Legendary Cube, and we know that Sealed Leagues will be here - in summer, 2016. All that, plus the usual, just a click away.
  • 1,876
    I played some more Classic Heirloom, come see what my weapons of choice were and how I did
  • 4,387
    TRIBAL APOCALYPSE, the only LEGACY TRIBAL WARS tournament in the whole wide world. The Tribal format, the Tribal players, the Tribal decks, and everything else. Now played with the LEGACY filter because Wizards of the Coast just doesn't care.
  • 3,998
    Boosh honors fellow casual players' lament at the loss of the Tribal Wars format by brewing up some Tribal Commander decks, which include the new Simic Snake Commander, Golems via Bosh, Five Color Humans & Monored Dragons. Join me inside for four new decks!
  • 2,412
    Adam & AJ grieve the loss of TWars and other formats, but come out the other side for some rather jovial banter which includes many tangents and digressions. Charlotte's Web! Plow Under! Legendary Cube! Masques! Kamigawa! Stealing Commanders! Yay, tuck rule! Boo, format removal! Give it a listen!
  • 2,012
    Yep, 2RR Enchantments are still good. I've got a full, updated decklist inside with some tips and an overall breakdown of the deck!
  • 2,508
    Sometimes a Hero learns than in order to advance he must go backward. What am I talking about? Find out inside.
  • 1,841
    Back from the SCG Open in Dallas, Marcos lays his rules of Modern and explains how decks are constructed within those rules.
  • 4,653
    I take a look at Caio Amaral's Top 8 GP Porto Alegre Decklist, a take on the Knight of the Reliquary/Retreat to Coralhelm combo that people are calling KnightFall. Come check out my experience with the deck!
  • 2,790
    A lot has been made recently about the cost of competitive Standard decks. This may be one of the more costly Standard formats we've ever seen, with nary a cheap deck to be found. Even old stand-by's like Red Aggro, are outrageously priced right now. So what is a person who just wants to rock a little FNM, or play in the Standard League left to do?
  • At It Again
    Three more casual decks! Hidden cards, Thran Lens, and a particularly crazy/fun third deck.
  • 2,038
    Shane brings you another five brews. This week he looks at two Standard decks, one Modern, one Pauper and, for the first time, a Vintage deck.
  • 2,011
    Over the weekend I dived into the Classic Heirloom format with two events. Come see how I did and learn about this sweet format.
  • 5,248
    Alex looks at the current Pauper metagame and provides his list for the most important cards in the format at the moment.
  • 2,928
    This was one of the first Holiday Cube drafts I did. Let's see how differently I drafted in the beginning!
  • 2,772
    Now that the full spoiler for the Legendary Cube Prize Packs has been released, how close was my design to the original product? In addition, find out just how much the big-picture view of a set can change in a single week.
  • 6,114
    It's Friday. Wizards hasn't cut any formats this week. They have started rolling out spoilers for the Commander 2015 decks, and have released some more info on the Legendary Cube events. In the biggest news, the spring set will be a return to Innistrad. I was at the GP when Wizards first showed the trailer, and a lot of people cheered hard when the Avacyn symbol rose out of the graveyard.
  • 3,486
    TRIBAL APOCALYPSE, the only LEGACY TRIBAL WARS tournament in the whole wide world. The Tribal format, the Tribal players, the Tribal decks, and everything else.
  • 3,216
    We talk format losses again (boo), Travis Woo (also boo), Commander previews, and dream actors for Planeswalkers. All this, Aether Barrier and more.
  • 3,067
    A brief recap of what's been happening in my life, and... wait for it... Slugapalooza 2015!
  • 5,537
    WotC's decision to remove several popular formats from Magic Online, including Standard Pauper, set off a firestorm of response from the community. In response, Robert Schuster posted on the official Magic Online Tumblr the rationale behind their decision. Problem is, it doesn't really make sense when we're talking about Standard Pauper. Click the link to see why.