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  • 3,197
    In this article, gwyned breaks down Battle for Zendikar for Standard Pauper, analyzing each and every card and its potential in the new metagame. Today, in Part Three, he finishes off the review with the Green and Colorless cards and offers some final thoughts on the set.
  • 6,938
    TRIBAL APOCALYPSE, the only LEGACY TRIBAL WARS tournament in the whole wide world. The Tribal format, the Tribal players, the Tribal decks, and everything else.
  • 4,107
    How has the Vintage world adjusted to the loss of Chalice of the Void? It's hard to tell, it's only been a week. Still, I have some anecdotal evidence to suggest that Shops will still beat you if you're unprepared! I also take a quick peek into what Vintage was like prior to the Thirst For Knowledge restriction, and what lessons we can learn from that history. All that, and some sweet current and retro deck lists! Get Thirsty for Tezzeret, you Grixis Thief!
  • 3,274
    This week marked the beginning of my favorite 7-week period of the year...the Olive Garden Never Ending Past Bowl. As something that should shock no one, I love to eat. This article is purely a tribute to this awesome annual event.
  • 2,502
    We talk up a bunch of news stuffs what with the BFZ a'comin', such as build notes, bug fixes, foils, rotations, and we discuss some stuff we wanna see more of in Magic cards.
  • 3,108
    There's still more I hope to build with the impending release of BFZ on MTGO. Check out four more decklists that will soon be mine. Oh yes, they will be mine. Party on.
  • 3,206
    If you feel unsure how to proceed in Vintage after the DCI's announcement, Insectile Aberration's flavor text is as good as advice as any. Playtest a lot and have no fear!
  • 2,907
    Apocalypse had some cool cycles.
  • 2,342
    Jon stops by the site to talk about a recent PPTQ with the newest set!
  • 5,335
    This week Marcos talks about another BFZ Sealed pool and BFZ Limited theory!
  • 3,487
    This week I showcase some videos of my classic go-to decks Sylvan Plug and MUD, but also Jeskai Stoneblade, taking Dig Through Time out for one last run.
  • 3,008
    In MTG there are many decisions to be made. Knowing when to play and crack fetches, casting that removal spell, or even going for the alpha strike. In this series I want to discuss all those things and more. So join me as I continue to work on improving my skills and hopefully help you in the process.
  • 2,084
    This week, Shane takes a look at some sweet decks that he has his eye on for the new Standard format.
  • 4,121
    With Battle for Zendikar on the horizon, Alex puts some of the thoughts running through his head on the digital page. What do recent announcements mean for Pauper? Alex has some ideas.
  • 3,120
    Probably the fastest "zero to hero" story in the history of Tribal Wars, where "zero" is "who's this guy again?" and "hero" is "oh no, this guy again! I'm gonna get pwned". Let's break on through to the other side: ladies and gentlemen, MisterMojoRising.
  • 2,509
    Another week, another Cube!
  • 3,753
    It's Friday. In the paper world, we are Battling for Zendikar. Online, we have Cube running up to the minute the prereleases begin, plus a bunch of changes to events. We are getting a Modern League, no-cash-just-TIX prereleases, the new mulligan rule and four round Vintage and Legacy Dailies. Yay!
  • 2,816
    In this article, gwyned breaks down Battle for Zendikar for Standard Pauper, analyzing each and every card and its potential in the new metagame. Today, in Part Two, he covers all of the Black and Red cards.
  • 2,523
    After the bannings of Counterspell and Swords to Plowshares, you might think control is dead in Heirloom. Not true! Jake's here to share a new take on Heirloom control.
  • 6,435
    TRIBAL APOCALYPSE, the only LEGACY TRIBAL WARS tournament in the whole wide world. The Tribal format, the Tribal players, the Tribal decks, and everything else.
  • 3,613
    Join AJ & Adam for follies, Elementals, Allies, Eldrazi Weaknesses, the b&r list, event changes, as well as a brief interview with special guest Joe Fiorini.
  • 3,077
    The Vintage world is buzzing over the recent DCI Banned and Restricted list update, and I'm excited about it too! In today's article, I talk about what's gone, and what has come back. Then I talk about deck-building philosophy. Don't miss it!
  • 3,665
    The most recent banned/restricted lists were published on Monday and only included updates to irrelevant formats. While I wished for some changes in Modern, I can live with the current state of Modern until the next Modern Pro Tour, when there is sure to be some change coming at the B&R announcement preceding that. Here are my thoughts on what could be banned.
  • The New World
    Chalice of the Void's restriction represents the single largest increase of Vintage playables since Alpha. Meanwhile, the three best draw engines of Vintage's history, Gifts, Thirst, Gush, finally coexist. If you're not playing Vintage right now, you're missing out on the most powerful format in its most volatile moment of upheaval.
  • 1,995
    This week Marcos is back from the BFZ Prerelease and is ready to break down his pool plus give initial thoughts on the format!