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  • 6,122
    Join Alex as he jumps back into the Pauper metagame with one of the most popular decks in the format. Decklist, metagame advice, and more! Come on in!
  • 3,302
    CalmLittleBuddy had some time on his hands waiting for prices to drop on the new Fate Reforged cards. Idle time makes for bad choices. Does playing in a Pre-Release Competitive Event help prepare for a Standard Grand Prix? Couldn't hurt! Also, there's a few new decks in town, which strangely look a lot like the old decks. Crack open a cold booster and come along! DON'T MISS THE TEN EVENT TICKET DECK BUILDING CONTEST!!!
  • 2,947
    Cube is not available right now on MTGO but that doesn't mean you can't get your fix! Let's see how I did this time!
  • 4,956
    It's Friday. The Fate Reforged Prereleases and the next season of Vintage Super League have started, Wizards claims, once again, to have fixed the “Joe wins the Game, Bill wins the Match” bug. We will see. Plus prices and lots of deck tech featuring Fate Reforged.
  • 3,379
    Casper plays a Temur Ascendancy deck in a Standard Daily Event! Is it combo? Is it devotion? Is it awesome? Yes, yes, and yes!
  • Vintage DE#14
    Here's the last Vintage DE before the restriction of Treasure Cruise!
  • 3,451
    It's always distressing when cards are banned. This time was no exception. Between the tears and regrets, people are saying a lot of things. Are the words drowning out the actual point? Are some opinions getting us nowhere?
  • 3,087
    Hookers, blow, and gypsy magic. Do I have your attention? I had to lure you here somehow, didn't I? Here's more random gibberish about Bad Moon Rising, this, that, the other, Modern FNM, and some other stuff. You know, the usual.
  • 2,922
    TRIBAL APOCALYPSE, the only LEGACY TRIBAL WARS tournament in the whole wide world. The Tribal format, the Tribal players, the Tribal decks, and everything else.
  • 5,351
    In this article I take a look at a Mardu Landfall deck! Intrigued? You should be. Come take a look!
  • 3,049
    Welcome to the first installment of my new series: Legacy Lessons! I'll be going over some tips and info directed at aspiring or new Legacy players! There's plenty for seasoned veterans, too!
  • 2,009
    Join Josh and AJ for a look at the news and prices as well as our usual shenanigans as we await the reforging of fate...
  • Vintage DE#13
    I'm back with a Vintage DE!
  • 2,798
    Treasure Cruise, Dig Through Time, and Birthing Pod have been banned. Modern will be a whole new animal now. Is there room for brews and rogue decks now that 3 of the best cards in the format have been banned? Join me as I try and find out!
  • 2,171
    This week Marcos bids farewell to Khans Limited with multiple drafts/sealeds!
  • 4,614
    Tired of Delver? Waiting for Fate Reforged to hit MTGO? In love with Pauper? Alex has a great list for you here, as well as a look at Pauper after Khans of Tarkir!
  • 2,790
    Picture winning it all. Seriously, picture it. Visualization is key to success in any endeavor. CalmLittleBuddy discusses the power of visualization and how it can help your win percentage skyrocket. You can win games before you even sit down for a match. How? Well, you'll have to endure a rant about the recent Modern bans before you can find out. Are you tough enough to survive that long? Or will you skip through it like a sissy? Find out. Right freaking now.
  • 2,162
    Watch Casper draft some Legacy Cube on MTGO!
  • 2,660
    2014 TRIBAL INVITATIONAL: The day the tribes stood still.
  • 5,518
    It's Friday. In the paper world, Fate Reforged goes on sale today. The new banned and restricted lists also go into effect today – in paper. Online, we have to wait a couple weeks. You don’t have to wait for news, prices, and the rest – just click.
  • 2,891
    A comprehensive list of ratings and ideas about all rares and mythics for Fate Reforged before the prerelease!
  • 2,227
    This week I round off my Fate Reforged set review for KTK block constructed by looking in detail at the red, green, multi-coloured and colourless cards in the set.
  • 3,255
    In this article, gwyned breaks down the whole set of Commons in Fate Reforged, analyzing each Common in the set and discussing how they will impact the upcoming Standard Pauper metagame. Today, in Part Two, he analyzes the three major Common cycles in the set and finishes off with the rest of the Commons. How will this set impact Standard Pauper? Read on to find out!
  • 4,160
    The recent updates to the B & R list have turned Modern on its head. It'll also turn your wallet upside down... or will it?
  • 3,394
    Blippys thoughts on bans and Overdrive! results!