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  • Cube draft #4
    Cube is back and I plan on playing as many as possible.
  • 2,110
    Marcos goes over his Khans of Tarkir Prerelease pool and gives his initial impressions on the format!
  • 1,960
    This past weekend was the prerelease of the new set, Khans of Tarkir. Join the team as they review it and talk about some interesting ban list updates to the Commander format. Let's Rock
  • 10,817
    Matthew goes back into Spoiler Analysis mode with Khans of Tarkir. He digs deep into the numbers, and explains what those numbers mean for the Khans of Tarkir limited format.
  • 8,673
    In this article, gwyned breaks down Khans of Tarkir for Standard Pauper, analyzing each and every card and its potential in the new metagame. Today, in Part Two, he covers the four different cycles at Common as well as three missed Green Morph cards.
  • 4,975
    It's Friday. Time for news, prices, some last-minute deck tech and more. This week the more include a video of Pete's problems with the collection management screens, and a probable explanation of why the rarity filter is messed up, and why it is taking so long to fix. It ain't pretty. And because it's today - Argh, Matey!
  • 3,221
    In this multi-part article, Johan Djinn goes through each M15 card and shares his thoughts and experiences with each card after plenty of Limited matches. In these "swan song" reviews, he looks back at M15 as a whole and see how each card holds up as the format evolves.
  • 5,734
    TRIBAL APOCALYPSE, the only LEGACY TRIBAL WARS tournament in the whole wide world. The Tribal format, the Tribal players, the Tribal decks, and everything else. This week we talk about: Naga!
  • 4,571
    Which Khans cards am I excited to try out in Modern? I'm certain no one else has the exact same picks, that's for sure.
  • 2,418
    Well! We had quite the crowd on Friday! The TO said it was the largest Modern crowd to date, and for the first time (there), Modern FNM went 5 Rounds. I brought Elspeth Goes Goth. How'd I do? Guess...
  • 5,016
    Frankie delves into the full Khans of Tarkir Spoiler and comes up gasping 4,000 words later. Heliod's Pilgrim in Standard? Sultai Charm in Modern? Altar of the Brood in Legacy? Where does one guy get the cheek to abuse the term "Mega Review" so frivolously? It's all covered in the article- I promise.
  • 5,158
    Budget tight? Want to pick up staples before they skyrocket? Now is the time to take a look at your collection and buy/sell/trade. Here is your guide to investing in to Return to Ravnica and M14 for the budget conscious player
  • 2,945
    The sunset review continues as Johan Djinn dives into the blue...and checks out what Island mages have to offer in M15. Long gone are the days of Mind Control and Merfolk Looters. So how does blue shape up in this core block metagame?
  • 9,272
    In this article, gwyned breaks down Khans of Tarkir for Standard Pauper, analyzing each and every card and its potential in the new metagame. Today, in Part One, he covers all of the Common cards tied to the set's mechanics.
  • 5,349
    Block Constructed will be returning to Magic Online with the release of Khans of Tarkir, come on in to get an idea of how the brand new single set format will shape up. Part one covers themes/mechanics, lands/fixing as well as individual cards from White, Blue and Black.
  • 4,595
    Welcome to the final part of the Khans of Tarkir financial review. I have gone through the rest of the Rare and Mythic cards spoiled during the second week of Khans of Tarkir spoilers. I also evaluate some of the Common and Uncommon cards with high potential. Don't miss this Treasure Cruise!
  • 2,863
    Join Joshua and AJ as they laud the winners of the Erik Friborg Memorial Trophy, and look ahead to Khans and the pre-Khans drafting options. Will you win the Wasteland or Lily Veil lotteries? all this and more!
  • 5,851
    Join Alex as he looks at what commons could impact Pauper from Khans of Tarkir. Here's a hint- there are at least ten.
  • 4,443
    Once more, we dig out the charts and look at what everyone has been up to in the world of Pauper. Also, we look at a couple of deck options for control freaks.
  • 2,819
    I have been playing a ton of Modern and been messing with this token list. Check it out and see if you want to sleeve it up(or load it up) for you next tourney.
  • 2,118
    It's time for the Khans of Tarkir Sealed Set Review! This week Marcos goes over all the cards from Khans of Tarkir so you can be ready to battle in the KTK Prerelease!
  • 4,936
    It's Friday. The Khans are coming ever closer, while online formats play out. We have, as always, news, prices, deck tech and more, all just a click away. So, if you are not engrossed in Community Cup coverage, click here.
  • 3,545
    After a long hiatus, Johan Djinn makes his return to give you a sunset review of M15. We start off with the color white on the color wheel. Join him as we go dive deep into each card outlining combos, synergies and archetypes. Core blocks will be a thing of the past soon and we should give our final goodbyes.
  • 2,527
    A look at my slightly different version of Pauper staple, UR Delver.
  • 2,473
    Casper shows you how to tune your deck and sideboard to perfection!