Enter a comma separated list of user names.
  • 3,229
    What could a country hillbilly show you about swiss drafting that you don't already know? Maybe nothing, but hopefully something!
  • 4,844
    This article is extremely exciting as I display a deck I have had a large amount of success with and had loads of fun playing. Don't miss this edition of Ambition's Cost, the article for budget players.
  • 4,766
    Join Andy and George at Yawgmoth's as we discuss Destiny, Foil, Lack of Classic Events, Classic Highlander and the latest Whiffy Brew of Show and Tell Bargain. No Events but tech and fun all the way!
  • 4,630
    Does Big Jace deserve to be expelled?
  • 4,520
    Motu presents a new Standard concoction that just happens to be easy on the wallet as well.
  • 6,637
    Thirteen mana on turn 6 isn't bad. What would you do with it?
  • Rock & Rogue!
    A Tournament Report for the Heirloom PRE on the 3rd April 2011, which held host to a ton of a new players and a lot of very interesting new decks. Come on in and see how it all went down.
  • 2,835
    Join Keya and AJ as we catch up with everything currently going on in the world of MTGO.
  • 11,359
    This week's a perfect mirror image of the previous one, with a Control deck taking the win among a horde of aggressive opponents in the most crowded MPDC event of the last two years. Read on to find out everything about the impressive rookie players that took the veterans by surprise and the Steady Progress of a good old deck that now plays in a very different way!
  • 3,215
    Lee's expertise at opening packs backfires when he has to pass one of two wraths! Take a look at how he adapts in this MSS draft.
  • 4,575
    They say power corrupts. And you know what? It is absolutely true. Lately I have been corrupted by the sheer power of Legacy and started playing this wonderful format. And inside you will find my story.
  • 3,661
    I now have six partly done articles on my thumb drive. I really should finish one of those - but the Urza's Destiny Release Events have started, and I'd much rather play in one of those. Which leads to article seven - a primer for Urza's Destiny sealed events and drafts.
  • 3,380
    Following GP Dallas, Agur goes back over one of the pillars of the meta game.
  • 3,310
    In the world of vanguard, even a bizarre Treefolk deck can be turbo.
  • 2,616
    I went 18 MBS drafts without dipping into White. In the last eight I have played it plenty and liked it. Come see why.
  • 2,348
    This week I rebound from my last few failures and manage to put together a pretty ridiculous control deck.
  • 3,533
    Zach, George, Andy and returning guest Der Dunkle return for a LONG cast.... We go over some event stuff, touch again on infect, and look at some new goodies sure to change the constructed scene. Please join us!
  • 12,415
    Realistically killing your opponent turn 3 or 4 kills while staying on budget!
  • 3,414
    This week's MPDC got stormed by a good old deck that has lately been on the rise, while the control archetype seemeingly overwhelmed the aggressive deck...almost. Read on to take a look at the most token-less metagame Pauper Standard has seen in a while!
  • 2,802
    This week's podcast consists solely of memories of Erik, the co-founder and primary host of this podcast throughout its existence, and plans to help his son.
  • 8,467
    In my first article, I introduce my budget deck series. This week I take a look at U/W Legacy Merfolk and present Legacy options for a casual/budget player. This is for you budget players!
  • 3,094
    What happens when the person next to you does not show up to draft his/ her deck and a second person drops out after 10 minutes of play? Answer: You get a very strange tournament.
  • 4,170
    What happens when you add Natural Order for Progenitus to a Goblin deck?
  • 5,213
    Rogue Play is four years old! Come on in and join the celebration.
  • Speculations
    I haven't written a big issues overview piece recently. I have now been hanging out on at least the fringes of organized play for over a decade, and will be headed off to judge my 30th big event (GP Dallas) a week from now. That gives me at least a perspective few other people have - or, if you prefer, that is my excuse for babbling. Topics: Why K-Scope now? Will GP timing come to MODO? What's up with Multiplayer? Leagues? - and anything else guaranteed to push some buttons.