3,428This week we take a quick look at the third piece in the Magic puzzle with a look at combo within Pauper.
3,548Join me this week in my adventures through casual Pauper as I try a non-control deck!
3,900After two weeks of dipping into the land of competitive Pauper I find myself in need of a slow transition out of UB Control mode. So step inside and check out a casual Pauper deck that can even hold off some of those pesky competitive decks!
4,198In the second and final installment of this series we take a look at another semi-competitive deck that has peeked my interest. Step inside and check out several versions of UB Control in Pauper!
4,035After only a few weeks of casual Pauper I find myself mildly frustrated. This week I attempt to break away from that frustration and find a way to relax using the first of two semi-competitive decks. We start with a detailed look at Esper Aggro.
5,294This week in my attempt to find fun with commons we put together a UW deck with a bit of artifact love and attempt to make an alternate win condition work.
2,807It's been at least a year, but I attempt to make my return through a format more fitting of my current budget; Pauper! Join me as I attempt to look for some fun casual decks within one of the most accessible formats in Magic.
4,612Scars has been released and we're now all getting familiar with the tricks of these cards. My ignorance about one in particular spurned the need for decks to be built and analyzed! So step in and let's check out a card who's ability I mistakenly overlooked. Also there will be some slight changes in my MTGO time, read on to find out.
3,778In the second part of the two part series on card advantage I take a look at two decks that are built entirely around card advantage! I've set it before me to determine once and for all whether or not you can win on card advantage alone...
4,430I come back to you again with the first of two parts that take a look at what I'm declaring to be THE most important mechanic in all of Magic. Yep a bold statement I know, but we're going to look at what it takes to gain advantage.
2,685This week I come back from a long break with an article about my favorite unloved format, Prismatic! Check out an easy deck design, check out a few matches, and even a few of my favorite card interactions inside!
5,905After a brief down time we're trying to get things back on track with a look at a tribe I've been trying to get right since Worldwake ... apes! Then I finish up with a deck built around a non-creature spell. Weird I know.
4,595This week I take a look at the Snake tribe. First from the older days of Kamigawa Standard and then with the newer Snakes of Alara. We'll see how the two can be combined in a Tribal Snake deck for the new age. Finally I'll take a quick look at all the creatures from RoE and where they fit in tribal.
3,346In this week's edition of Anything But we take a quick glance back at enchantments in Tribal, but fear not it won't be a rerun. I'll start by actually seeing how Unicorns fair (yes I did say Unicorns) and then we'll look at how they inspired a white-green Cleric deck .
3,387Many quandaries have passed our ways throughout time, but I'm in search of one answer in particular. When is an Elf, not an Elf?? This week I explore that answer and more in this tribal deck.
5,108Our second week of tribal goodness takes a look at a tribe that has gotten a bit of love in recent sets, but one deck just isn't enough to satisfy. That's right I present to you not one, but TWO Insect Tribal decks. Step inside, but please leave the Raid at home.
5,320We start the Tribal Cycle with an examination of the format and then take a look at a group of Warriors in an unexpected color. See the deck from its start through the PRE and finally see how it evolved thanks to the creative insights of AJ_Impy.
2,586This is Enchant-a-palooza! We go into the final week of our Enchantment Cycle with a look back at the past 9 weeks and much, much more! You'll just have to read to find out what I've got in store.
8,208Welcome to the second segment in the look at Rogue Decks that can be found in Legacy. Get prepared for it's start online by looking at the more popular decks in my underdog category. Come on in for deck lists galore!
10,560Due to popular demand I revisit the Legacy format in order to help prepare you for it's online appearance. This time around we take a look at some of the less popular or rogue decks in the format in an article with more decks then you can handle.
14,072This week we take a look at the last remaining color, blue, and what it brings to the Enchantment Table. Check out the decks that these enchantments inspired as we see if we can make our opponent's sing the Magic blues.
5,812This week we take a look at what is offered to us by green enchantments. In honor of this double thought I present you two different mono green decks! One of which can even be put together for only $16! You'll have to read to find out more.
8,706With all the recent hype surrounding the news of Legacy Online it's important to be well educated about the deck possibilities. Join me as I look at what is currently being played in Paper as I also provide you with more deck lists than you can handle! (Warning the tons of deck lists make this quite a long article)
4,642This week we head back on course and examine the next color in line. We take a look at how much White offers the world of Enchantments and here's a hint.. there's a lot. Let's renew our love affair with one enchantment in particular as we see if white can stand alone against the wild casual environment.
4,623This week we take a break from the color examinations to venture into Extended, a format that I've overlooked since ONS rotated into classic. With an army of tokens at my side what can go wrong?? Well you'll have to read to find out.