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  • 3,443
    CARD IMAGE HOVER OVER TESTING!!! I'm trying out getting a popup on hover for cards, so I've included it in some cards this week, come in and give it a try! This week we return to the core sets and hit up Ninth Edition. What's the fiscal impact of the last white bordered set? How will it compare to Eighth? Join me after the jump to find out!
  • 3,115
    We had a trio of Modern Grand Prix events last weekend to further hash out the state of the Modern format. I discuss the results of those events and Aaron Forsythe's very interesting interview about WOTC's intentions for the Eldrazi.
  • 2,973
    Here's another Legacy Cube!
  • 2,575
    Shane brings you the news from the ground at Grand Prix Melbourne.
  • 2,092
    Join Paul and AJ as they become the Magisters of Worth's Spring 2016 address, delve into the mind-bending horror of the Shadows Over Innistrad spoilers, query the state of secondary market pack prices, and ponder which part of the eldritch abominations to cut off in order to weaken them. All this and more!
  • 2,091
    Wanna know what not to do? Wanna see a 35 year old struggle with cards that were printed when he was in his mid 20s? Wanna hear a story and maybe ignore the struggle? Come on in!
  • 1,633
    Marcos joins his first Sealed League! Come see how he likes his first taste at leagues as well as 3 other Limited events!
  • 2,635
    The testing continues and I try 1 more brew and an old favorite. Is it possible I have found a spring in my step during Eldrazi Winter?
  • 2,352
    Back from a week off, Shane jumps straight back into looking at some of the more unique decks running around!
  • 1,724
    This week on LTO Spencer and Drew go over the commons in Oath of the Gatewatch and how they sit with those cards today in limited.
  • 1,829
    Casper heads into a Standard league with an Eldrazi Ramp deck!
  • 5,677
    Goblins is one of the most aggressive strategies in Pauper, but have we missed a few hidden gems? Anthony breaks down some potential additions, even looking at multicolored options!
  • 5,244
    SEALED LEAGUES ARE HERE! 12 hours after launch, Wizards has already had to lift the cap on number of players. Even without being able to add packs, Sealed Leagues seem to be a hit. Also FtV Lore and other news, prices and deck tech, all just a click away.
  • 5,548
    Take one Eldrazi Modern deck, add 8 more sol lands and a sprinkling of Golems. Mix into Legacy and enjoy!
  • 3,637
    It't Wednesday night as I write this, and I've known for the past couple days what I was sleeving for Detroit. Sometimes, you just have to embrace the hate, and let big idiots carry you.
  • 3,500
    TRIBAL APOCALYPSE, the only LEGACY TRIBAL WARS tournament in the whole wide world. The Tribal format, the Tribal players, the Tribal decks, and everything else.
  • 3,451
    So many options!
  • 1,765
    Join AJ and Paul as they comment on Innistrad pickling techniques, look at the newest addition to planeswalking species, take into account a twist in best-of-fives and applaud swift and timely action. All this, and the usual shenanigans and madness.
  • 3,575
    Jeskai Ascendancy is an extremely potent card, but after the January 2015 bans, it practically vanished. It's been making a resurgence in the last few months, so come take a look at several variations of the deck with play tips.
  • 3,436
    In this article I take a look at the Jeskai Control deck and how it may fare in the Modern format as it is shaping up.
  • 2,212
    This week I am back talking about Modern after I had a slight epiphany. Take a look at what I am now deciding to bring to fight against the Eldrazi and if it is truly an answer!
  • 1,612
    This week Marcos takes on 2 drafts and a Phantom Sealed! Plus he talks about how Sealed Leagues will impact his column.
  • 3,143
    Well, it's time to finish up Kamigawa block, with Saviors of Kamigawa. Is the set the savior of the block? Come inside to find out!
  • 2,938
    Take a deep look at one of the worst sets in the Modern era, as well as an overview of the full block format. In addition, a quick look at the upcoming Ninth Edition flashback format.
  • 3,231
    Another set in the Modern Flashback Series, and this time it has Ninjas!