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  • 11,974
    What better way to celebrate Heaven and Hell Week than to make a deck with a couple Gods, some Angels and Demons and a whole mess of Clerics to worship them?
  • 4,908
    Modern Days continue with a special themed deck for the Heaven & Hell Week celebrations to open the 6th Gate of Death...
  • 4,432
    Bad Kitty! *WHAP!* Ay! Stay away from my cheesy poofs! *WHAP!* Respect mah authoritay! *WHAP!* WotC spilled a pile of catnip by the Modern B&R list, and a cat orgy jumps out of the cake full blown! And where are all the dang fairies? *WHAP!* Bad Kitty!
  • 1,945
    Sometimes you get caught in a trap and you don't know it.
  • 13,558
    It's Heaven and Hell theme week here on PureMTGO. I've got a Commander deck for you that combines many elements of Judeo-Christian concepts of the afterlife, including the 7 deadly sins/heavenly virtues and extensively referencing Dante's Divine Comedy. Kaalia of the Vast plays the part of Virgil/Beatrice!
  • 9,915
    Tribal is back. And it never even left the room!
  • 2,074
    Analyzing the "Deck Builders Dilemma", 2/15's daily event and week 2 of the Classic League.
  • 5,542
    Recently when I was looking for some ideas for Standard, I came across this lovely Gorgon lady. So I took her, armed her to teeth with nasty spells and unleashed her to the Casual Room. And the whole story, including how she turned everything into stone at the end, is inside.
  • 4,024
    Born of the gods has been in standard for little over a week now. With little changes to the format, players are looking more for slight improvements to their pre-BNG decks. A big complaint was that the Monoblue Devotion deck got nothing in BNG, I for one disagree. Look inside to find out what I'm talking about.
  • 2,968
    Now to the casual part of theme week.
  • 2,088
    Getting really tired of your act winter.
  • 4,012
    It's Heaven and Hell Week on PureMTGO, and we kick things off with a look at the mightiest soldiers fighting for the two opposing sides. Would you rather serve in Heaven or unleash Hell?
  • 3,784
    In this week's mammoth podcast, AJ and Joshua cover the first fruits of Born of the Gods, the death of no less than 22 formats and subsequent resurrection of one after community intervention, with asides on GP Paris and the latest offline release.
  • 2,907
    In his final Triple Theros Draft, IYankemDDS takes a powerful but color-intensive card with his first pick. Will the table allow him to play it?
  • 2,221
    The Prerelease was this past weekend, and Marcos hopped into some Prerelease BNG/THS drafts! Come read about his initial impression of Born of the Gods and its impact in BNG/THS draft!
  • 6,662
    Happy Valentines Day! In the news: Wizards slaughters 22 formats, without warning! Community reacts - and Wizards LISTENS. Wizards fixes the problem and explains their reasoning. (This really happened!) Plus prices, decklists with Born of the Gods and more, just a click away.
  • 6,232
    Mike takes the leads as our fearless leaders travel to Mirrodin to discuss Affinity. What makes the deck’s mechanical heart tick and what strikes fear into those that can’t be intimidated? Alex provides some historical context and a good time was had by all. Then an Atog ate everyone. Note: This podcast was recorded on February 5th, 2014 and was delayed due to unforeseen circumstances.
  • 4,677
    The metagame of Standard Pauper never stops shifting. One week the best deck in the format is Mill Control, the following week it's useless because White Weenie aggro is roaming everywhere. Find out what to play to avoid falling behind!
  • 2,566
    Chris attempts to dissect the UR Control deck taking Pauper events by storm, join in!
  • 5,453
    What's in Born of the Gods that's good for Commander? Let's take a look!
  • 3,647
    The award show you always wanted to be a part of, but were afraid to ask.
  • 3,111
    I wanted to write about love and longing, and tie in to Valentine's day, but no inspiration there. So I whipped up some Bloodcrank instead, using an old Chinese recipe, for your recreational use. I also take a last look at the old Modern meta before starting a whole new ballgame.
  • 11,756
    Tired of winning with Splinter Twin and Scapeshift? In this article we look at another way to close the door on turn 4!
  • 5,129
    They killed Tribal Wars. Long live Tribal Wars.
  • 4,150
    Join me on my journey playing with a Mono Green Nykthos devotion Pod deck in the Modern games...