4,525A potential shell for Nimble Mongoose in Pauper has popped up, and Anthony breaks it down and tests it out against the titans of the format.
3,521Hidden behind Emrakul's madness lurks a few Pauper gems for aggressive decks. Could any have what it takes to break into the meta?
46,741Check out a new double-faced card from Eldritch Moon, Ulvenwald Captive! Does it have what it takes to make it in the Pauper world?
3,164Goblins has been a mainstay of Pauper for years, but Red Deck Wins has recently popped up to challenge its Mono-Red Aggro crown. Who's the true king of aggressive commons?
40,075Sideboards are hard. Finding the right sideboard cards to fight the threats is hard. Let Anthony make it easier with this compilation of all of the most popular Pauper sideboard cards!
2,991The deck that Anthony cut his teeth on is fading from the Pauper landscape. Can he find the tools to reinvigorate the ol' glass cannon?
5,191Many players think Delver of Secrets and Nimble Mongoose are a match made in Pauper heaven, but Anthony is more interested in combining the shrouded snake-killer with Madness and Lightning Bolt!
5,480Eternal Masters introduced several new cards into the Pauper format. Many of them are inspiring new archetypes, but how can they help the pre-existing dominant decks?
3,423Anthony's looking to count to ten this week! Join him while he analyzes the ups and downs of Infect in Pauper and examines a few decks that could take on the format!
2,178Anthony takes a moment to look at his strengths and weaknesses as a player, and applies those to his Mono-Black Devotion Pauper deck!
2,591Tired of falling to the Faerie menace, Anthony sneaks behind enemy lines, running several Pauper Leagues with Mono-Blue Delver to see what makes the deck tick. Join him while he recounts his experience, the matchups, and most importantly, the weaknesses.
3,234In his quest to find Thraben Inspector's home in Pauper, Anthony tests out an old archetype that has recently fallen off: Mono-White Tokens! Does the little Standard staple have what it takes to whip the deck into shape?
6,971Anthony is obsessed with the latest Elemental Hound from Shadows over Innistrad. Check out all the different ways he tries it out in Pauper!
3,643Some people think Mono-Black Control is not currently it's best version, so Anthony tries to power it up through the Devotion mechanic and graveyard shenangigans!
4,193With a new set right around the corner, Anthony looks at recent Standard sets to see what cards they brought to the Pauper format, and how that points to Shadows over Innistrad's potential impact on the format.
2,930Anthony re-examines his shadowy Black/ Red Goblins list, and talks about all of the commons of Shadows Over Innistrad that he's excited about! (Spoiler: there are a lot!)
3,367Aggressive decks, counter spells, and targeted removal have become dominant forces in the Pauper metagame. Anthony looks to combat them with Goblin tokens and a spicy splash of Black!
3,297Anthony is tired of losing his precious Goblins to Electrickery. Check out his latest version of Goblins that fights through the sideboard hate and stomps his opponents into dust!
5,677Goblins is one of the most aggressive strategies in Pauper, but have we missed a few hidden gems? Anthony breaks down some potential additions, even looking at multicolored options!
7,175Now that we know what the main deck of a Delver Fiend deck looks like, let's take a look the weaknesses of the deck, and how to sideboard to protect ourselves.
4,664Kiln Fiend and Nivix Cyclops consistently hover around Tier 2 of the Pauper format, so it's important to be familiar with the deck. Anthony goes deep on every card you might see in Game 1, and offers some mulligan advice for prospective pilots.