2,636It's been 3 weeks since I've started playing Modern Silverblack and I've learned a lot since then. If you're looking to start up in Modern Silverblack, this should serve as an introduction to the format for you!
2,636Come with us now on a journey through time and space as Zach and Josh delve in to results from the classic league and a daily event as well as potential classic cards from Return to Ravnica.
2,636Join AJ and Keya to hear about the future of the program, and the current issues surrounding the biggest tournies on MTGO (though apparently they aren't big enough).
2,636This week you can play in Release Leagues and Sealed PEs with Triple Future Sight boosters, or draft triple Future Sight. Want some advice? I got some.
2,635It's Friday! Wizards has made it clear that MTGO is not going away. Arena, though, is having some teething problems. All that, plus news, prices, deck tech and more, all just a click away.
2,635The testing continues and I try 1 more brew and an old favorite. Is it possible I have found a spring in my step during Eldrazi Winter?
2,635AJ and Keya keep you posted on Modern Masters event changes, M14 spoilers, and the latests promos to come onto MTGO.
2,635Grant Champion, aka Pitlord recently top 8'ed one of the Urza's Destiny release PEs and is here to share his thoughts on the event and the format in his first-ever article for PureMTGO.
2,635Congratulations to our very own Joshua Claytor!! He is one of the lucky few that have been invited to the Community Cup! I extend the best wishes of all the podcasters and writers of PureMTGO!
2,634Join us (AJ and Paul) as we get remunerated, and note other issues and events on Arena.
2,634Last name Ever, First name Greatest, I'll show you why Alex Ullman ain't nothing to play with!
2,634Commander: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the tournament SUNCOM. Its five-year (?) mission: to explore strange new game states, to seek out new massive token generations and new crazy mana ramps, to boldly go where no MTG player has gone before.
2,634I was gonna bring you guys some pauper, but there aren't any good decks to show off. Peter and I decided to do some drafting instead of playing with the 60 card decks. The funny thing is, I still get to play with good common cards. Without further wait, let's rock!
2,634This week, Peter and I decided to take a very powerful deck into the 2 man's. That deck is GW tokens and it is a powerhouse and a force to be reckon with. Care to see how it does? Let's rock.
2,634Join Dave into this Draft walk through of the M11 set.
2,634This week we take a look at the Worlds metagame and see how it stacks up against the online meta. We also have stats and decks: Blightning Beats and Merfolk.
2,634Being a long time proponent of Swiss drafts. I am happy to see that some smart person over at Wizards finally got the message. I tried one out, the results are in.
2,634I got a fantastic interview with a member of WotC's development team. He brought up some things we can look forward to seeing as well as some surprising new information.
2,633Shard unveils the latest CCC to test card-creators mettle. They do so well with one card, what happens when they are asked for two.
2,633If you don't like Harem Format, this article isn't for you. However, if you've ever wondered if a harem artifact deck could be pulled off, wonder no more.
2,633Join AJ, Erik, and Sebastian as they recap the current events in the world of Magic Online!
2,632Cube is back and I plan on playing as many as possible.
2,632AJ and Keya bring you the up to date news on MTGO, such as the new web age and the upcoming 12th anniversary.
2,632In the first installment of Drafting with IYankemDDS, we find that a color is wide open for us. Will it pay dividends to take the consistency of (near) Mono-Colored over a potentially more powerful 2-Color Deck?
2,631It's time to catch up on various reprint set-related topics, including Iconic Masters follow-up, Masters 25 speculation, and From the Vault: Transform predictions.