5,265The second part of the Pauper Standard New Phyrexia review. Follow PiDave as he finishes to look at the set, one card at a time. Bonus Top10 at the end of the article!
5,264Join Keya, AJ and Sebastian as they scrutinize the impact crater left by the ban hammer, and take a look at the next round of online Pro Tour Qualifiers.
5,263What is the real value of Hedron Crab in Limited? Godot breaks down a match against the amazing milling crustacean. Also, a father-son tournament report: How did Team Spain fare in their Two-Headed Giant flight at the Seattle Worldwake prerelease?
5,263A little chart from last week opened up a crate of worms. Check out what other goodies this data has unearthed in this weeks State, aka, "The Sum of All Rares".
5,262Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas is winning a lot of packs for me recently in SOM Block tournaments. But this time he isn't doing it alone. This time he has his friends with him. Come on in and read what I'm up to this time.
5,262Even though interest in Zendikar drafts seems to be waning, I had an interesting decklist that proved to be quite resilient. Join this Pauper player as I defend the validity of Swiss drafting, explore my draft picks, and analyze my successes and some (glaring) mistakes in the resulting matches.
5,261I look at an off the wall deck in Pauper.
5,260We're back in Kamigawa! And it's ninja time!
5,260Doctor Anime explains what makes a good pauper card good!
5,259If Magic were a board game, creatures would be the pieces. They are the cards around which the action revolves. The majority of Magic games revolve around creature interaction. In this article, Oraymw tries to explain what makes creatures awesome, and how to make best use of them in a variety of formats.
5,259Like pebbles in a pitcher, little things can sure add up!
5,258It's been a dispiriting two weeks with Dailies not firing. I ask why Classic fails to fire and Legacy fires every day. I give my own conjecture and ask for feedback from non-Classic players (hint: If you play Legacy and not Classic, give me feedback). Then I delve into the latest Qualifier, highlighting some interesting rogue lists which prove: Yes Virginia, you can play creature decks in Classic. I end with videos of my Round 2 match and a plea to to help get Dailies firing again.
5,258The card pool of ZEN Block is finally complete. Let's take a look at the possibilities that card pool offers us and talk about some decks for ZEN Block.
5,257It's Friday! The ban-hammer has fallen. The (shortened) Ixalan preview season has started. Prices for the sets about to rotate are crashing, but the Vintage League has pushed up the price of Power. Rotations are coming, but we still have new archetypes appearing. It's all good - and all just a click away.
5,257Today I wanted to give everyone a different take on PauperTron with a rouge build of Mono-Red Tron (see what I did there). It's a deck that I've had good success with against all of the top Pauper archtypes. Come on in and see what makes this deck tick!
5,257Tarmotog reviews Zendikar and Garruk vs Liliana for the 100 card Singleton format.
5,256TRIBAL APOCALYPSE, the only TRIBAL WARS tournament in the whole wide world. The Tribal format, the Tribal players, the Tribal decks, and everything else.
5,256Welcome back for the final installment of the QP saga. Includes lots of stats at the end and a time and value breakdown.
5,254Let's talk about Modern, shall we?
5,254TSP block gave us a wave of slivers highlighted by Virulent Sliver. Join me as we transform the block deck into a casual ext deck with an upgraded combo.
5,251Herein I let some thoughts about Wizards of the Coast settle into word form and talk about the Magic:The Gathering Community. There may also be some decks.
5,251This week, we delve into hellish tribes and explore the darker recesses of the format. All hope abandon, ye that click here...
5,249Prepare to be razzle, dazzled, and awed as MTGO's number one struggling drafter, constructed, and league player continues with the beautiful struggle. This week, a draft strategy that you will not want to miss!
5,248Jonathan talks about his new-found love for Commander on Magic Online and breaks down how he builds a 10 Ticket Commander deck.
5,248Alex looks at the current Pauper metagame and provides his list for the most important cards in the format at the moment.