By: hamtastic, Erik Friborg
Oct 17 2009 10:11am
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The second day of the events gets more high level players that either didn't make day two (as Brad Nelson called it: "Doran-ing" day one.  aka going 0-5).

In our midst this morning are Noah Weil, and Brad Nelson (FFreak on MTGO, and  I sat down on Friday with Brad and I'll be posting that interview later today, if all goes well. 

I'm a little nervous about this event as we recently had an MTGO crash late last night.  However, things appear to have been stable since then, and I have high hopes for the events this morning.

Good luck to all the competitors of Event #3!


I wish there was a way to by mtgotraders at Sat, 10/17/2009 - 10:35
mtgotraders's picture
I wish there was a way to comment on the whole event instead of just individial posts. I'm really loving this feed hammy and of course I was tickled silly to see the puremtgo shirt.
When I do my event wrap up by hamtastic at Sat, 10/17/2009 - 10:42
hamtastic's picture

When I do my event wrap up you'll see it on me, hanging out with MaRo after the MTG Meet and Greet. :D