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  • 3,593
    This time around, we dive into the conversational wisdom about the differences between sealed and draft, and then look at Gatecrash in particular, a format where these differences are more explicit than usual. Along the way, we look at some of the cards that vary the most from draft to sealed and why that is. Get ready for a whole lot of limited talk!
  • 2,009
    I reflect back on my habits for M13 and RTR, and let you in on the secrets to success for the new 6-pack phantom sealed format. Plus I throw in my last M13 game and my last RTR tournament reports before GTC started.
  • 3,264
    We did it!
  • 2,253
    It was a busy week this week with finals and projects due, I had the time to play in one event, and ended up 3-1. Take a look at the deck that got me there!
  • 2,904
    I managed to go 4-0 with one pool this week, but the rest were mediocre results, come look at my builds and tell me what I am doing wrong!
  • 3,406
    Still preparing for Grand Prix Indianapolis, I have decided to show off the pools and builds on each sealed deck even I played in this week. Come in and help me figure this stuff out!
  • 3,429
    After winning three byes for Grand Prix Indianapolis, I've taken it upon myself to start practicing the format. After an 0-2 drop, I'm not entirely sure I know what I am doing.
  • 2,235
    A Return to Ravnica release sealed event with gameplay video and written commentary!
  • 3,175
    I take a pause from my M13 Sunset Review to give you a Grand Prix report from San Jose! The format is exciting one: Return to Ravnica Team Sealed. In this article, I provide some important and useful generic team sealed tips (not tied to any sealed format) which I learned over course of the entire weekend.
  • 2,802
    This weekend, me and 402 others were playing in an online PTQ. How do you give yourself the best chance to be among the one in fifty who slip through the keyhole to the Top 8 draft? And did I manage it this time around?
  • 4,071
    With the entire set of Return to Ravnica spoiled I’ve started my (highly enjoyable) process of practice sealed pools. Fortunately, I work on a slow helpdesk, so I generally get to go through ten to fifteen a day. Return to Ravnica has generated the most difficult sealed pools I have ever dealt with. They either leave me forcing bad cards and limiting my colors, or throwing in the random splash of good (not always great) cards. Here are some secrets I have learned in the process.
  • 4,740
    Matthew continues his stats-based column, and in this installment he tackles M13 sealed. Will we continue to see a balanced format? Which decks are best suited for making a deep run in a big sealed tournament? Does black continue to be the dominant color in the format? What about fringe strategies? Find out all of these answers and more in this installment of Ars Arcanum.
  • 3,766
    With delusions of grandeur, I set out in an ambitious project to see if I can get the high EV of 4-pack sealed tournaments to pay for themselves. I am approaching this goal by carefully logging all of my games and tracking the value I get out of the tournaments. Check out how my first week of the project went and see if I had break out the credit card to feed my MTGO urges.
  • 6,358
    The stats-based Magic series. In this installment, Matthew tackles IPA draft, and as a special bonus to those that only follow current formats, he also has a section on AVR sealed.
  • 3,083
  • 3,766
    I've played 4-Booster Sealed exclusively over the last couple of months. I have some pros and cons observations and sample tournament or two to illustrate my points.
  • 2,887
    200% profit before I even began to play, and two great deck options made for a very fun evening.
  • 5,464
    At two in the morning, I wandered into the limited queue room and tried out Innistrad sealed. One powerful mythic rare later...
  • 2,432
    I open with a recap of the sickest draft, and the most amazing pack you could open. Then I go into another 4-Booster Sealed. This one wasn't about bombs, but about options.
  • 3,351
    This was one of the best 4-booster sealed pools I have ever had the pleasure of playing. Come on in and see if I can keep from screwing it up.
  • 2,507
    My first time wandering into a 4-Booster Dark Ascension/ Innistrad Sealed and what do my wandering eyes see? TWO Falkenrath Aristocrats! I hope I don't screw this up!
  • 9,341
    Pop quiz. Do you love MTGO? Are you interested in playing limited formats like draft and sealed? Are you lucky that your budget even allows for you to play MTGO? For that matter, are you lucky that your spouse or significant other even lets you spend money on MTGO? Then Limited Budget may be for you!
    The D.K.
  • 2,664
    I got to play Dark Ascension / Innistrad sealed almost non-stop all weekend, with a few hours sleep in-between. Come read all about it!
  • 3,435
    This week Zach goes over two events, ISD draft #11 and his very first ISD Sealed Swiss. Which was kinder? Check the title!
  • 2,952
    This week whiff brings you a Classic Daily, and an ISD Sealed Swiss. Come on in for constructed and limited play. There is a ton of content today!