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  • 3,782
    I'm in Vegas, and a memory crash ate not only this week's normal State of the Program but also the databases and spreadsheets I use to create it. I have backups at home, but for this week, I' talk a bit about GP Vegas, then talk about a misplay I see players make over and over again. It's kind of Chad Ellis's Danger of Cool Plays for a new century.
  • 5,085
    It's Friday. Modern Masters 2015 is here in paper, and coming soon online. We have a brand new MOCS Champion, and have seen next month's MOCS promo. Plus news, prices, new bugs and more - all just a click away.
  • 4,984
    It's Friday. We have more (mainly green) deck tech, more price changes resulting from MM2015, more news and more, err, more. The Modern Festival will offer an insane first prize, while Serum Visions is doing the FNM promo shtick. And Lee Sharpe asked for ideas for fixing constructed payouts - Pete offers a couple thousand words on the subject. All that and more just a click away.
  • 4,396
    It's Friday. Modern Masters 2015 is three weeks away. Standard is evolving rapidly, while other formats are also seeing some interesting innovation. Prices are falling, especially for those cards due to be reprinted in Modern Masters and Tempest Remastered, but attendance in Standard dailies have grown enough that Wizards is raising the caps. It's all good.
  • 16,694
    We have a MM2015 preview card! Is it something new we have never seen before? Well, no, Modern Masters is entirely reprints. So is it a really good, expensive card that sees serious constructed play and costs a bundle being reprinted in a new way? Yes, yes it is.
  • 4,210
    It's Friday. We had the first round of Regional PTQs, plus a Standard Super League and an SCG Open - a ton of Standard tech. We also have falling prices as the MM2015 spoilers start appearing, plus more news, tech, prices and all the usual stuff, just a click away.
  • 5,109
    It's Friday. The paper PTQs are this weekend. Based on last weekend, that means a ton of Esper Dragons decks. In Vintage, Ham on Wry V is coming up, and I look over the most affordable Tier One decks. All that, plus news, prices and decklists are all just a click away.
  • 4,581
    It's Friday. Pro Tour Dragons of Tarkir is in the books. 117 Dragons were in play in feature matches during the PT, and a new metagame is upon us. All that, plus news, prices and decklists with DTK, all just a click away.
  • 4,683
    It's Friday. Dragons of Tarkir cards are online, and constructed queues are paying out in DTK packs. Wizards has given us some inside information on client updates and hinted at a new foil treatment for MTGO and reprinting Liliana of the Veil in a Standard-legal set. All that, plus news, prices and decklists with DTK, all just a click away.
  • 4,788
    It's Friday. Dragons of Trakir prereleases have begun. We have a list of known bugs. We also had some unknown bugs that were bad enough for Wizards to cancel Legacy and Vintage events. The full list for Tempest Remastered is out, and I crunch the numbers. Is the expected EV good enough to justify playing? Gotta click to find out.
  • 5,482
    It's Friday. In the paper world, the Dragons of Trakir goes on sale today. Online, we have another week of Rise of the Eldrazi and Cube drafts. We also have some minor B&R changes and can watch some streamers drafting DTK a couple days early. Next week, though…
  • 5,414
    It's Friday. In the paper world, the Dragons of Trakir prereleases have started. On MTGO, we have Cube and Rise of the Eldrazi drafts in a new 6-2-2-2 format. Some queues have vanished, others expanded. All that, plus news, prices, deck tech and more, all just a click away.
  • 9,223
    It's spoiler season. We have one. What more is there to say?
  • 5,117
    It's Friday. Dragons of Tarkir is almost here, in the paper world at least. On MTGO, we’ll be drafting a pot of gold for Saint Patrick’s Day. NPR broadcast a cool piece on Magic, and PAX east told us we would be returning to Zendikar this fall. All that, plus news, prices, deck tech and more, all just a click away.
  • 4,288
    It's Friday. Previews for Dragons of Trakir are beginning. The Legacy Cube has been tuned up for a new run. R&D is up for another challenge, and a rather strange interview has hit the interwebs. All that, plus news, prices, deck tech and more, all just a click away.
  • 6,163
    It's Friday. We have news on the future of MTGO, for this year at least. We have a new and improved Tempest coming in May. And, of course, news, prices, deck tech and more, all just a click away.
  • 4,755
    It's Friday. Pete got to sit in on the Freed from the Real podcast where he talked endlessly, but he still has more to say. He covers News, a bazillion bug fixes, prices, deck tech and new product releases. It's all just a click away.
  • 4,862
    It's Friday. Valentine’s Day is tomorrow – if you don’t have other plans, play Lorwyn. Or read about other news, tech, prices and more, as usual.
  • 5,101
    It's Friday. The Fate Reforged Releases events are ongoing. So is Pro Tour DC – you should be watching. But if it’s between rounds, check out the news, prices, deck tech and more all just a click away.
  • 4,956
    It's Friday. The Fate Reforged Prereleases and the next season of Vintage Super League have started, Wizards claims, once again, to have fixed the “Joe wins the Game, Bill wins the Match” bug. We will see. Plus prices and lots of deck tech featuring Fate Reforged.
  • 5,518
    It's Friday. In the paper world, Fate Reforged goes on sale today. The new banned and restricted lists also go into effect today – in paper. Online, we have to wait a couple weeks. You don’t have to wait for news, prices, and the rest – just click.
  • 5,437
    Paper Fate Reforged Prereleases start today, and Wizards has shared the details on the online prerelease and release events. In other news, Wizards tell us how to get rid of Warmarks and is hiring DECs. Plus prices, deck tech and more, like always - and Pete goes in depth about how to fix the bulk commons problems. It's a long one this week, so grab your beverage of choice and settle in.
  • 4,533
    It's Friday. It’s 2015, and State of the Program is back from its Holiday vacation. That means we have prices, deck tech and a ton of news to get through, so grab some coffee and settle back.
  • 34,080
    Once again, we have a Counterspell to reveal. Once again, it is a sweet 1U Instant. Is it as good as our last Preview: Disdainful Stroke? Is it a new Mana Leak or Remand? Or is it something really situational, like Second Guess or Hisoka’s Defiance? Finding out is only a click away!
  • 5,331
    Pete is on vacation, and the normal State of the Program has gone with him. It will be back next week. In the meantime, here's a more philosophical look at the state of MTGO to tide you over.