2,725TRIBAL APOCALYPSE, the only LEGACY TRIBAL WARS tournament in the whole wide world. The Tribal format, the Tribal players, the Tribal decks, and everything else.
2,724iceage4life looks at the impact on Lorwyn on competitive Singleton decks. He does not stop there though, and offers two great walkthroughs for the complicated Mind's Desire based combo deck!
2,724Peyton is back to update his biweekly Managing Money metrics. What deck has returned to the top of the Standard format? Check out the latest Card Efficiency Ratings and a brief discussion of buying cards with Journey into Nyx looming.
2,724We debut a video only series, come inside to see a neat decklist and videos of one of the coolest Modern decks in action!
2,723This week we'll recap Grand Prix Rotterdam and our first look at limited with Conflux. There's a new structure to Sealed, and new shift in the power of the Shards. We'll go over how these changes will effect the Conflux release event that start online this weekend, and also prepare us for what's coming at Pro Tour Kyoto.
2,723Another week and another budget list. Is this one good enough to light up the Modern metagame?
2,722This week saw a good deal of shift in the metagame and we expose a bit of Magic prejudice.
2,722Join Dylan as he navigates the picks of an 8-4 M11 Draft, providing in-depth commentary and detailed game reports.
2,722Details and thoughts about the upcoming MED4 events and the Magic Online Deck Series.
2,722Join Keya and AJ as we look over the Q2 2011 development update, discuss Wizards' 'Great Online Gaming Experiences Start With You!' initiative, and go on lengthy digressions about the game we all play.
2,722TRIBAL APOCALYPSE, the only LEGACY TRIBAL WARS tournament in the whole wide world. The Tribal format, the Tribal players, the Tribal decks, and everything else.
2,722After Innistrad Flashback drafts we can enter a Standard Gauntlet which let us experience how Standard looked like around Innistrad. It brought back many painful and joyful memories.
2,722It's Friday! The first Mythic Championship is in the books - and it looked a lot like a Pro Tour. On the plus side, the formats were really good, and the Champion played like one. in other news - Wizards will be testing a new mulligan rule. I like it. Also, news, deck tech, prices and all the usual goodness - all just a click away.
2,722Join us (AJ and Paul) as we double our MWM, and go over the rest of Eldraine.
2,721What's this? A set review? By runeliger?! Sebastian returns to review the standard playability of the Red cards from Morningtide. These set reviews are full of surprises aren't they? Come join us at PureMTGO.com as we present the fourth of series of set reviews!
2,721In this episode, we'll take an in-depth look at what makes control a viable contender in 100 Card Singleton, plus an interview and a look at the 100CS metagame!
2,721This is always the toughest part of the year. Two months from rotation, a 2 week delay between paper pre-release and MTGO pre-release, and usually some sort of uproar on MTGO. It seems to happen every year. So, how do we make the best of this awkward time.
2,720Stop in to hear about the first days of Vintage being online as well as VMA limited discussion.
2,719Tarmotog talks about a few cards from standard that might be able to make their places in Singleton and shares a Singleton Doran deck.
2,719Join me as we go on a journey to explore one of MTGO's most dynamic formats: Legacy! Today I break out a new twist on a old classic and see how it goes out in the 'real' world.
2,719Top 24 with Shardless BUG. Read the report of what went good for me and of course, what went bad at the MKM Series Legacy tournament in Frankfurt.
2,719It's Friday! Guilds of Ravnica info is everywhere. We will have six Pro Tours next year, and counters are being improved on MTGO. Rotation is approaching and that is affecting card prices - but overall prices are up. All that, plus news, deck tech, prices, a Pete rant and more is all just a click away.
2,718The vintage crowd has been busy come on in to see what you've missed!
2,718Should you be packing main deck enchantment hate in Standard? Today's episode of "Is This Card Any Good" lead CalmLittleBuddy to this question. Whether it's Mastery of the Unseen, Whip of Erebos, or Outpost Siege you're staring down, a game one with no answer bites big hairy Singing Bell Strike. Get a two for one and learn about The Unseen while also learning if getting Back to Nature is the answer to the stresses of a Standard life.
2,717This week I take my Goblin Storm deck into the ring with special guests Nate and Peter. This is a deck mostly of my own design. It's a goblin aggro deck that can also combo off for an Empty kill. Let's rock!!!