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  • 4,252
    TRIBAL APOCALYPSE, the only LEGACY TRIBAL WARS tournament in the whole wide world. The Tribal format, the Tribal players, the Tribal decks, and everything else.
  • 4,051
    The Onslaught Fetch Lands are coming to Modern! Fasten your Speculation Goggles, it's time to be wildly excited!
  • 4,555
    This weeks Giant Slayer article covers a version of the former top deck in the format; a Mono Black Devotion list that managed to do what many others could not; succeed in an MTGO Standard Daily event and do it at a low budget price.
  • 2,200
    Today I talk about Commander theory and a deck I have won tournament with. Also there is poll at the end of the article for my special deck building challenge.
  • 2,005
    This week, its about the budget side of things and since that's the case, the guys did a sweet interview with Gordani and much more. Let's Rock
  • 1,972
    Gage writes about his experiences at the recent WMCQ
  • 2,186
    Join AJ and Josh as they dive headfirst into the Khan spoiler season, run the rule over Wizards' offerings for the community cup and the Wizards of the community cup. Plus, a special report on Planeswalker prices, and much more!
  • 4,343
    This week, I take a look at one of Modern's hidden gems, Soul Sisters!
  • 2,990
    I'm hooked on MTGO again and decided to share my current decks with you all, expect the weird and umm even weirder.
  • 1,900
    This week Marcos talks about the latest Khans of Tarkir spoilers, the MTGO compensation debate, and a run at an M15 Sealed Daily!
  • 5,906
    A Elbereth Gilthoniel! Silivren penna miriel! O menel aglar elenath! Gilthoniel, A Elbereth!
  • 5,879
    It's Friday. Wizards has shaken up the Standard format, set rotations and killed the Core Set. They have also given us a couple client updates, and fixed some bugs. News: the client works. Plus deck tech and more, all just a click away.
  • 2,852
    In this article, gwyned discusses why White is the dominant color in the Standard Pauper metagame, time after time. Then, to illustrate the point, he analyses three different powerful White decklists from different seasons of Monday Pauper Deck Challenge. If you're not playing White, you're probably doing it wrong!
  • 2,672
    Casper, the new kid on the block, introduces himself to PureMTGO.com and walks you through how to create a Fearless Magical Inventory!
  • Elf Week!
    When you see them, you know it's NOT Christmas.
  • 4,265
    Reanimator decks have been a popular choice at tournaments and at the kitchen table. This week I look at how you can raise the dead in Legacy on a budget.
  • 3,250
    One of the most exciting descriptors of a deck is "Toolbox", and there's no better card to facilitate that than the star of today's deck - Chord of Calling. Check out a standard deck that can be built with virtually no expensive rotating cards that also happens to be just about the most fun competitive standard deck in a long time.
  • 3,178
    Follow us in to an exploration of the newly returned Pauper metagame, where I see that romellos was right, and that maybe we should check out that scrabbling noise coming from the coffin before we finish burying it.
  • 2,999
    Oh! Another thing! Why were these events entered into the DCI as "Magic" rather than "FNM"? I missed out on an achievement because of that. Yeah, it's a rinky dink n00b achievement, but that's exactly what I am as far as the Magic world is concerned: a rinky dink n00b.
  • 6,589
    Force of Will is often referred to as "the glue that holds Eternal Formats together". What is "the glue" of Modern? I offer up some conventional, and less conventional, candidates for discussion.
  • 5,160
    TRIBAL APOCALYPSE, the only LEGACY TRIBAL WARS tournament in the whole wide world. The Tribal format, the Tribal players, the Tribal decks, and everything else.
  • 4,872
    For Elf Week, RexDart takes a look at the tribes' best individual representatives across tournament Magic. Putting aside the boring mana-dorks, what else has this tribe brought to the table through the years?
  • 2,975
    Join Josh and AJ as they dive into the massive seismic shift in the nature of Magic, including an in-depth look at what the underlying reasons may be, and a quick check on the prices those looking to play in the Vintage Constructed Championships need to have in mind. All this and more!
  • 2,964
    Pauper Mono-G Ramp, aka GRramp, aka Old Man--taking it in turns to act as a sort of executive deck for the week, but all the decisions OF that deck have to be ratified at a special daily event, but a 3-1 majority in the case of purely internal affairs, but by a 4-0 majority in the case of more...
  • 2,307
    No, I am not going anywhere but current standard is. What should we do with the remaining time on MTGO? I will also share some deck ideas and thoughts I have for new standard.