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  • 4,841
    TRIBAL APOCALYPSE, the only LEGACY TRIBAL WARS tournament in the whole wide world. Now with 100% more Kaleidoscope! Also: Journey into Nyx gives us a brand new tribe, and a bunch of weird comebacks.
  • 2,710
    I asked some people about this article: "Modernity is the sum of all pasts and a glimpse into all futures- such is Overdriven 87" - a drunk Philosopher not named Bruce; "...make a toddler eat vegan food" - Another drunken Philosopher not named Bruce; "no." - My editor.
  • 3,483
    Join me on my journey playing with a Mono White Nykthos devotion Pod deck in casual Modern games.
  • 2,725
    The two-set block season is rapidly drawing to a close. After running through an overview of how the metagame has developed since the release of the second set in the block, I close off my tour of the current block constructed format with a look at the premier control deck in the format - Esper.
  • 2,724
    Peyton is back to update his biweekly Managing Money metrics. What deck has returned to the top of the Standard format? Check out the latest Card Efficiency Ratings and a brief discussion of buying cards with Journey into Nyx looming.
  • 1,898
    Kicking off week 1 of the classic league QT#2 and a peak at the 4/12 Daily Event.
  • 2,504
    Keeping up with the aggro decks of the format, I decided to take an old favorite into the Pauper ring and see how well it does. Mono Green Stompy is a deck of cheap creatures, a lot of pump spells, a quick clock. Let's rock!
  • 2,186
    Join me this week as we take a quick look at both a new brew, and a few spoilers I'm excited about!
  • 1,891
    Josh and AJ delve into the Journey Into Nyx spoiler, skim through the prices and ponder the ultimate question about Cube Drafts. Do you have an answer?
  • 4,067
    There always is, and this week I'm looking at alternate win conditions in Standard and see if it's possible to make something good out of them.
  • 12,080
    I tackle one of the most common questions being asked about Modern - if and when fetchlands will be reprinted. I go through a pile of evidence and look at both the ZEN and ONS fetches. Come see why I think they will be in Standard and how to prepare.
  • 2,437
    With the BNG Championship Limited Qualifiers around the corner, Marcos provides an overview of BNG/THS Sealed to prepare you for the upcoming qualifiers!
  • 2,274
    Draft addict at it again. This time with a blue-white deck that I pilot to the finals. I discuss how I interpreted the signals in pack 1 that pushed me in this direction. Took a good helping of luck to get to the finals though.
  • 6,951
    It's Friday. Journey to Nix spoiler season had started. About time, Standard has turned very dark recently. Plus news, tech in other formats and a bunch of price changes. All that, and Pete spends some 2,200 words explaining even more options Wizards has for reprinting cards.
  • 2,599
    Today I want to talk about Modern. We'll go over the way the format has been created and evolved, what the results of Wizards constant tinkering with the banned list has done, the current price boom, and why you should (or shouldn't) play it, and . If you're contemplating any sort of Modern jump, come take a look!
  • 2,428
    In this article I will talk about a different format, a format that is incredibly fun and can be always different: Cube. Disclaimer: I will not be talking about those 100 rare card cubes with Power 9 in them (the so called Power cubes), but a cube that everyone would be capable to build: the People's Cube.
  • 4,602
    Five monocolored devotion/ramp decks have been created, then have been tested, then have caused groaning, then have been fixed. They've been fixed a lot.
  • 3,090
    You Asked for the Best, You Got the Best.
  • 3,039
    The Q2 Modern meta is shaping up nicely, and there are some surprises! Well, not really surprises, but it's still strange to see. You know what I mean. I think. Anyway, there's also some new(ish) decks, poetry, Overdrive! results... all the usual stuff. I included a soundtrack of sorts again, as well.
  • 2,385
    In this week's edition of One Man's Trash, Kriskurse tries to go Primal!
  • 3,085
    In his most exhaustive study yet, Peyton runs a simulation including over 500,000 observations in an attempt to help you answer one of the most important questions a Magician will answer: Mull or Keep?
  • 4,915
    Join me on my journey playing with a Mono Black Nykthos devotion Pod deck for casual Modern games...
  • 4,555
    TRIBAL APOCALYPSE, the only LEGACY TRIBAL WARS tournament in the whole wide world. Wanna know what the Tribal format is, who the Tribal players are, what the Tribal decks look like, and everything else? The answers are just one click away.
  • 2,282
    Coverage of the 4/5 daily event, Top 8 match of the classic league and a question of ethics.
  • 3,876
    Up until now, the post-BNG block constructed format has been relatively diverse and balanced between different decks and archetypes. However, as the GBw dredge deck list gets more refined, it's emerging as the clear top dog of the format. Come on in to find out more about the list, and my thoughts on how to attack it.