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  • 7,190
    It's Friday! Dominaia preview season is in full swing. Ixalan redemption is back on. People are streaming MTG Arena. Masters 25 will be replaced by Modern CUbe next Wednesday, and we have news, prices, deck tech and all the usual stuff. Pete also dig deep (as deep as possible given what we have) into the Arena economy, and explains why sitting in chairs in an MMO is great. All just a click away!
  • 7,034
    This week on Common Knowledge Brandon and Lobbert discuss everything there is to know about Boros Monarch
  • 6,983
    If you like making money playing Magic, there is no better place to start that Pauper. SteveJeltz does the math of why Wizards will be paying you to sling those commons.
  • 5,892
    TRIBAL APOCALYPSE, the only LEGACY TRIBAL WARS tournament in the whole wide world. The Tribal format, the Tribal players, the Tribal decks, and everything else.
  • 5,121
    Join us (AJ and Paul) as we enthuse over Dominaria Art and Lore, and call for a judge!
  • 6,001
    I picked up EFro's UB Control deck from a recent article from a friend. I haven't played actual Standard since RTR was a legal set, what could go wrong?
  • 5,064
    Marcos is back with another Rivals of Ixalan draft and starts playing his sealed leagues.
  • 6,423
    In a new series, Kyle takes a deep dive into fundamental Magic concepts. In our first installment, we are taking a look at perhaps the most foundational concept in Magic strategy, card advantage.
  • 4,732
    Magic is a game of people coming together to battle. Does that mean we should shake hands after the game?
  • 8,533
    Shane tests out the new Challenger Decks to see how good they are, before offering some budget upgrade advice. First up: Hazoret Aggro.
  • 6,663
    He's been part of the Tribal Apocalypse scene forever, but when last year he came back after a long leave of absence, he demonstrated a newfound hunger for success, which took him all the way to the top of the Invitational. Let's meet Nagarjuna, the deadliest Timmy ever.
  • 25,041
    This week on Common Knowledge Lobbert and Brandon take a look at the format! Where does your deck rank among the Pauper decks?
  • 8,495
    Burn, Goblins and Red Deck Wins. Mirror mirror on the wall, which one of the 3 do I choose out of them all?
  • 8,250
    It's Friday! Wizards has announced a new format: Brawl. MTG Arena is adding 100k more players to the closed beta and dropping the NDA. The Dominaria story is dropping, a chapter a day, and Dominaria previews are due next week. And we have prices, deck tech, news and Pete does a deep dive on MTG Arena - all just a click away.
  • 6,864
    SteveJeltz loves Pauper. And he's seen a thing quite a few unusual ways to win a game of Pauper. Learn all the smart plays that you could miss as you get to know Pauper
  • 5,466
    TRIBAL APOCALYPSE, the only LEGACY TRIBAL WARS tournament in the whole wide world. The Tribal format, the Tribal players, the Tribal decks, and everything else.
  • 5,179
    Join us (AJ and Paul) as we delve into Dominaria, discuss the new Format, and sign some spellbooks.
  • 5,480
    Masters 25 is one of the more unique Masters sets, but instead most of the focus has been on its poor expected value. Let's talk about why that is, along with the usual design review.
  • 4,985
    Marcos is back with two new Rivals of Ixalan sealed leagues and talks a little Pauper!
  • 11,702
    I take a look at a curious UW Spirits deck that is doing the rounds on MTGO.
  • 5,785
    Tribal Apocalypse's starting time is not particularly friendly to players in the Asian timezones, but the ones who give up their sleep for us don't mess around. Meet our second Chinese player of the year!
  • 6,953
    SteveJeltz loves Pauper. And he's seen a thing of two that makes him go "Hmmm..." Learn all the smart plays that you could miss as you get to know Pauper
  • 6,732
    Shane is back with another Limited Edition! This time, he tackles Masters 25. Read about every pick of every pack and then see the results!
  • Modern Jund
    Can the recently unbanned Bloodbraid Elf revive an archetype that people almost forgot about? In this article, I'll introduce you to Modern Jund and I will also tell you why this is the best deck in Modern for me.
  • 7,193
    It's Friday! Wizards accidentally posted the Dominaria FAQ to their Chinese website, and the Internet found it. That leak has affected the preview season, and accelerated the release of Masters 25 online. (You can draft it on MTGO now.) In other online Magic news, the NDA for MTGArena is being lifted shortly, so expect people to stream it. Also news, prices, etc. - all just a click away.