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  • 2,917
    It was GPT: Detroit Weekend. With back to back events on Saturday and Sunday, I needed to spike one to start my GP in round three. But what to play....
  • 3,136
    There are generally big differences between playing in large-scale events, and playing in local competitive events. While I will most assuredly play Green Moon at GP: Detroit, it's not a deck that does well when playing against people who know me well, as everyone knows how to play around it. So, what do I pick up for a weekend full of GPT events, as I try to get byes for the GP.
  • 2,420
    With Pre-Release on the horizon, and a new set being legal for Standard in a mere week, it's time to start thinking about what to play. Especially since there is an SCG: Columbus event at the end of the month that I plan on attending.
  • 2,922
    After a particularly poor SCG: Cincinnati, it's time to face the facts...I'm getting older, and need to plan accordingly. Regardless, there should be some good times ahead, as I'm back onto the "Fun Deck" bandwagon.
  • 4,044
    The New Year is upon us, and the first big event, SCG Cincinnati, kicks off in less than 48 hours. Obviously, the wife and I are making the trek southward from Fort Wayne to play in this Modern event. But, what to play? Because, it's almost never a bad time for a good Troll deck.
  • 3,435
    The year is winding down, and holiday celebrations are quickly approaching. I've spent the better part of the last year writing about Magic in the current forms. But, as I reflect upon this past year, I couldn't help but think of the decks of the past, and how much fun I had with them, be they good or bad. So, join me as I walk down memory lane and relive some of the fun decks I've played, both good and bad.
  • 4,192
    I may be a bit of a late adopter, but I've discovered that I'm really enjoying Pauper right now. And this is definitely a direct result of the new Pauper League that started up, and it has somewhat rekindled "fun Magic" for me. When I'm not enjoying Standard, and have no relevant Modern event to test for, I think I have a new fallback format.
  • 2,790
    A lot has been made recently about the cost of competitive Standard decks. This may be one of the more costly Standard formats we've ever seen, with nary a cheap deck to be found. Even old stand-by's like Red Aggro, are outrageously priced right now. So what is a person who just wants to rock a little FNM, or play in the Standard League left to do?
  • 2,547
    Full disclosure...during the course of getting 266 meals (to date) on my Family Pasta Pass, my time used for articles has been eaten up (pun intended) by the mass consumption of various carbs and meats. But, I'm back, with a few words on Standard, a little math, and some questions about Modern and the upcoming GP: Pittsburgh.
  • 3,274
    This week marked the beginning of my favorite 7-week period of the year...the Olive Garden Never Ending Past Bowl. As something that should shock no one, I love to eat. This article is purely a tribute to this awesome annual event.
  • 3,665
    The most recent banned/restricted lists were published on Monday and only included updates to irrelevant formats. While I wished for some changes in Modern, I can live with the current state of Modern until the next Modern Pro Tour, when there is sure to be some change coming at the B&R announcement preceding that. Here are my thoughts on what could be banned.
  • 3,481
    With Pre-Release this coming weekend, and a brand new Standard to look forward to for SCG: Indy, I'm going to take a look at ideas for the new format, and look at what the new set can offer me for Modern. Warning: There may be Elementals ahead.
  • 4,077
    Strap in, folks...this will be a long one. I modified and tweaked my beloved Green Moon, and took it west along the dusty trails of Oklahoma. While my GP record left me as an Apes Of Rath, I ran it back at the Modern for Planeswalkers event on Sunday, and there was a Top 8 to be had.
  • 2,663
    I ended my day, after round 9, as a Leatherback Baloth. That at least seems appropriate, even if the end result was disappointing. Join me on a review of the event, as well as a brief comparison between what I played, and what I was missing the whole time.
  • 3,508
    It's been a fun and fruitful week of testing, and I'm locked in on my deck for the SCG: Modern Open this coming weekend. Here it, with complete sideboarding guide, bad match ups, and thoughts on possibly future modifications and changes.
  • 2,802
    I'm not purged completely from my R/G obsession. But, this week, I'm taking a step back, and going a different direction in Modern. And thus far, the initial testing has been promising.
  • 2,231
    So it was not an amazing Magical weekend for me, results-wise. I played bad, built bad, and ran bad. Even with all that, I had fun. I got to hang with friends and watch my lovely wife Top 8 with the Mono-Green Aggro deck she has been playing throughout the season at the final PPTQ. But, with SCG Cincinnati coming up, along with a couple drive-worthy Modern GP's, it's time to fix the mistakes I made this week.
  • 2,812
    This is the last weekend of Modern PPTQ's, and, no, I'm still not qualified for the Regional PTQ. I've tried plenty of decks...Mono-Green Aggro, Mono-Green Infect, Gold Guys...all to no avail. As we wind down, and I play in the final PPTQ held locally, I think it's time to go back to my roots...back to the deck I like most. Which means I'll be playing something Red/Green this weekend.
  • 2,794
    Taking a break this week from my usual Modern chatter to look at a couple of the hot new decks from the PT this past weekend. As I assume others will cover the biggest breakout decks, both Blue-Red Artifacts and Mono Red Aggro, I wanted to give a little love to some of the other decks that maybe flew under the radar or aren't getting the adulation thrust upon the Top 8 decks.
  • 3,459
    I've reached the point with Gold Guys where I think I've perfected what it is (a mediocre beater deck), and it's time to move on to something else. So, let's move from one creature deck to another....welcome to the hive.
  • 2,721
    This is always the toughest part of the year. Two months from rotation, a 2 week delay between paper pre-release and MTGO pre-release, and usually some sort of uproar on MTGO. It seems to happen every year. So, how do we make the best of this awkward time.
  • 3,470
    After having some success at FNM last week playing the Gold Guys deck and finishing 3-1, I started looking for and brewing some new decks for the same purpose...Fun, fairly inexpensive, shenanigans.
  • 3,403
    The Modern Festival Finals didn't go as well as I would have liked, but at least I finished as the Blastoderm that I am. But now a new challenge...building a playable, fun, casual Modern deck to play while building a Magic community at a new store.
  • 3,015
    Sometimes, it takes a perfect confluence of events to get you in the right mindset to reach and achieve a goal. Words from a friend....writings from a former pro...or and old FNM deck. Come join me on my adventures as I qualify for the Modern Festival Finals.
  • 4,004
    When it comes to Modern, you need to be prepared for anything, and expect that your opponents may drop any card against you. This leads to a format where you can't be prepared for everything, and many people only prepare for the most common archetypes. This allows the door to be left open for the random glass cannon decks of the format.