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  • 3,117
    In this article, gwyned finishes his review of Aether Revolt for Standard Pauper, offering his thoughts on every Common in the set. How will these new cards shape the metagame? Which new cards will make the biggest impact, and which will only gather virtual dust in virtual binders? All that and more, after the link.
  • 2,398
    Cassie takes GB Winding Constrictor for a slither through a competitive Standard league!
  • 1,982
    Today Jason looks at the strategic importance of identifying openings and exploiting them during games of Classic Pauper. How can his theories help you during your common duels?
  • 3,936
    Do you remember Peregrine Drake decks? Did you love them as much as I did? Well then this deck might be the next one you should try!
  • 4,975
    It's Friday! The Pro Tour has started. More importantly, Wizards has announced some new developments, including a plan to release sets on MTGO the day after the paper prerelease. That's great news - we will see if it works. Besides that, we have prices, deck tech and more news, all just a click away.
  • 2,923
    TRIBAL APOCALYPSE, the only LEGACY TRIBAL WARS tournament in the whole wide world. The Tribal format, the Tribal players, the Tribal decks, and everything else.
  • 1,861
    Join AJ and Paul for some scrutiny of the State of Magic Online and its consequences, hopes and fears for the future, and what to keep an eye out for. All this, plus the usual shenanigans, digressions and rampant guesswork!
  • 2,465
    Aether Revolt has arrived on Magic Online, and Shane puts it through its paces in a draft. Come and see every pick of every pack, as well as a run down of the matches.
  • 1,704
    This week Marcos starts two drafts, a sealed league, and shares his thoughts on the single-game draft league.
  • 1,683
    Spencer talks about his experience at GP San Jose
  • 6,160
    "Invention, it must be humbly admitted, does not consist in creating out of void but out of chaos." ― Mary Shelley
  • 2,093
    So you've got 25 dollars and want to mess around in Standard before the Pro Tour blows things wide open? Let's take a look at Red Green Energy after Aether Revolt!
  • 3,156
    Aether Revolt brought with it another update for the contents of Treasure Chests, and this update was much larger than expected. In addition, we have a quick update on reprints surrounding Modern Masters 2017.
  • 2,807
    Join me for a brief look at Aether Revolt by the numbers, as well as how MTGO shakes out, numbers wise. Are there more Blue cards than any other? More White Planeswalkers? Come in and find out!
  • 5,606
    Tron is a lot like ice cream. It comes in a large variety of flavors. Which one is your favorite?
  • 4,478
    It's Friday! Aether Revolt is online. We can draft the set and play with the cards in sealed and constructed events. We can even play in the new single game match draft leagues. Pete tries out this new "more convenient" option, plus the usual mix of news, prices and deck tech from events actually playing Aether Revolt cards. It's all just a click away.
  • 3,571
    In this article, gwyned reviews Aether Revolt for Standard Pauper, offering his thoughts on every Common in the set. How will these new cards shape the metagame? Which new cards will make the biggest impact, and which will only gather virtual dust in virtual binders? All that and more, after the link.
  • Loss
    A personal piece dealing with loss both in the magic world and the world beyond.
  • 2,496
    Meet the brand new Ultimate Tribal Champion!
  • 1,860
    Join AJ and Paul and raise the flag of rebellion as Aether Revolt comes online. Join us in overthrowing the corrupt and oppressive regime, check the Oracle updates, and keep your eyes peeled for any bugs.
  • 2,533
    With Dredge taking a hit from bannings, it is time for Living End to return to the Modern metagame!
  • 2,122
    Shane once again delves into a Legacy Cube draft before heading into Aether Revolt. What will be the deck this time?
  • 1,858
    This week Marcos gives his impression of Aether Revolt draft and breaks down two prerelease pools.
  • 2,685
    Infect, Dredge, Suicide Zoo, and all 3 Storm players out there all have one thing in common: their deck just took a hit by the recent set of bannings of and. Jake's here to tell all you players how these decks change and rebound.
  • 2,551
    Aether Revolt starts a revolution on Kaladesh, but how does that affect the draft environment?