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  • 3,532
    Kaladesh Standard may be cheaper than past Standard formats, but with the holiday season in mind, Joshua takes a look at what he feels are the three pillars of the format, and finds budget options for each of them, which will leave you able to give gifts, and grow your collection!
  • 1,981
    This week Marcos goes over Wacky Draft and Kaladesh Sealed!
  • 3,880
    Buckle your seat belts, as Gatecrash Limited is one of the fastest formats in Modern. How can you survive long enough to actually cast some spells?
  • 2,182
    We continue on the final lap, hitting up Gatecrash! Hopefully you're a fan of some of the guilds here, because Gatecrash has less value than Return to Ravnica did. With that, let's get going...
  • 2,532
    After revisiting my decklist it was time to try it out. Vintage players do not have the luxury to play anytime in a League as other format players can. So I had to try my luck with a scheduled event instead.
  • 2,992
    In Casper's return article, he gives you an overview of one of the most popular decks in Pauper: Kuldotha Boros!
  • 5,659
    Flashback Evaluation! Remember when Innistrad was not Emrakul's summer camp yet?
  • 4,597
    It's Friday! Wizards published their monthly article on MTGO tournament changes, and someone became the Monarch during a GP Top 8. Maybe Wizards will reconsider whether they will program the Monarch ability into MTGO. All that, plus more news, prices, deck tech and Pete rants about prize payouts and treasure chests, then explains how Wacky Drafts can fix all problems. Really. Sort of.
  • 2,579
    TRIBAL APOCALYPSE, the only LEGACY TRIBAL WARS tournament in the whole wide world. The Tribal format, the Tribal players, the Tribal decks, and everything else.
  • 2,429
    Join AJ and Paul as they look at what's left in the year and what is to come shortly after, with digressions on all manner of topics besides.
  • 2,403
    Tron has been reliable in the Modern metagame. Do you want to play it or beat it? Take a look inside!!
  • 1,989
    This week Marcos is back with a Kaladesh Draft League, a practice sealed, and another match of his Kaladesh Sealed League. He also takes a look at some of the Kaladesh cards he felt he underrated.
  • 2,728
    Next up, we revisit Ravnica in the wake of the dissolution of the guildpact. Time to dive in and see what a 5-color pair set looks like, at least financially!
  • 1,882
    Spencer talks about going back to the basics of Magic and the long term benefits.
  • 3,461
    Return to Ravnica brought with it a unique draft format, giving you the opportunity to exclusively draft every guild for the first time. How can you use these guilds to give you the advantage in this Flashback format?
  • 8,533
    It's Friday. In the US, we are recovering from massive overeating. In the rest of the world, life goes on. Life is pretty good in Greece, where their team won the Magic World Cup. In other news, the new style Treasure Chests are out, and seem to be worth around $4 each. We have that, plus news, decklists, prices and Pete's letter to Santa Worth, all just a click away.
  • 3,444
    The past two weeks were full of paper and online Vintage for me and I came to realize a few things that I would like to share. Some of you noticed that for P9C I misbuilt my deck. It is good to know that my deck wasn't optimal but not as important as knowing why it happened.
  • 2,167
    I am back this week and I am finally doing Classic Pauper again. Now that Peregrine Drake is banned, we can get back to everything else the format had to offer. How many of you like tokens?
  • 2,725
    TRIBAL APOCALYPSE, the only LEGACY TRIBAL WARS tournament in the whole wide world. The Tribal format, the Tribal players, the Tribal decks, and everything else.
  • 2,299
    Join AJ and Paul as they discuss the state of play online, musing over the current contents of treasure chests, and what isn't in them.
  • 2,008
    Marcos is back with a Draft League and the first two matches of his Sealed League. He also takes a look at some of the overrated cards in Kaladesh Limited. What cards did he think would be good but fell short?
  • 2,172
    A former bully of the format now a "fair" deck. Take a look as I break it down and see if you want to play it or beat it.
  • 1,861
    Spencer goes over some of the GB decks that did well last weekend and they tech they used to get there.
  • 3,194
    Welcome to another edition of Standard Pauper Deck Tech. Each week, I will be bringing you the winning decklist from our weekly Standard Pauper tournament on Magic Online. After the link you'll find the decklist, a quick guide to strategy and Sideboarding, and a videocast demonstrating the deck in action. Can anything stop the dominance of Self-Assembler?
  • 2,126
    After a week's absence, join Shane as he once again crunches the numbers on the Magic Online metagame and presents you with the facts, figures, and deck lists.