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  • 2,764
    Here's another Holiday Cube!
  • 5,274
    It's Friday! Battle For Zendikar spoilers are coming fast, but we are still three weeks from the online Prerelease. Leagues are back - in constructed form at least - and Wizards had to raise the cap to let everyone in. All that, plus more news, and R&D Challenge, deck tech, prices and so forth, all just a click away.
  • 2,327
    Quite a few players have been battling with red 1/1s and 2/2s in the Classic Heirloom format. Today Jason breaks down the various Goblin decklists and analyzes their results!
  • 4,059
    This week, I have some sweet Vintage decks for you, and I've also got a little bit of Legacy action for you as well! Plus, a recent Reddit post by prominent Vintage players makes some great suggestions on how to serve the Vintage MTGO Community better. I've got the link and the scoop, so check it out!
  • 3,626
    TRIBAL APOCALYPSE, the only LEGACY TRIBAL WARS tournament in the whole wide world. The Tribal format, the Tribal players, the Tribal decks, and everything else.
  • 3,231
    Zendikar is just around the corner, so what better time to revisit my Ally Reanimator deck? Plus, find out one of the things I was up to during my hiatus and how it ties into the Modern site you should absolutely be reading!
  • 3,099
    There's a bunch of news and AJ and Adam discuss it! Defunct forums being put down, leagues cap increase, BFZ spoilers, BFZ tokens, Interesting MTGO article finds! All this and more!
  • 4,077
    Strap in, folks...this will be a long one. I modified and tweaked my beloved Green Moon, and took it west along the dusty trails of Oklahoma. While my GP record left me as an Apes Of Rath, I ran it back at the Modern for Planeswalkers event on Sunday, and there was a Top 8 to be had.
  • 4,027
    Is Legacy big enough for more than one Jace? Discover where my exploration with the new planeswalker has taken me and which deck I've finally settled on when it concerns playing with Vryn's infamous prodigy!
  • 3,726
    Man-o-man, do you want to shut down a game with horrible tricks? Are you a blue mage at heart but want to go off the beaten path and add some white? Do you want to lose friends and have people construct effigies of you, possibly from sculpey clay and your discarded follicles from your hairbrush? Then play Augustin.
  • 3,132
    Many Un- cards have already influenced regular cards' designs. There are a lot left that still could!! Read here for more about that, and also for a chance to win a fabulous giveaway contest.
  • 2,822
    I take a break from my usual content and deliver something a bit closer to the heart. How does one balance MTGO/MTG and the task of being a father? I will share my experiences inside.
  • 2,533
    The start of what will (hopefully) be a series of articles showing some interesting decks from MTGO over the past week.
  • 4,444
    Alex takes a big picture look at Magic formats and tries to understand Pauper's place in the grand scheme of things. How do these format works and what makes Pauper different? Alex attempts to figure it out.
  • 3,328
    Already missing Cube? Here's another draft to help feed your needs!
  • 5,626
    It's Friday. MTGO skipped the downtime this week to prevent the relog issues. The COmmunity Cup stakes are high this year, and Leagues are back! All that, plus prices, deck tech and other news, all just a click away.
  • 6,506
    We have a preview card. The last couple preview cards we have seen have all been two casting cost non-creature cards and have been pretty good - remember whebn we previewed Disdainful Stroke. Is this two-mana noncreature card as good? I think so, but a simple click will let you decide for yourself.
  • 2,071
    Today DimeCollectoR plays in his first Classic Heirloom event...and fails miserably. But fear not, since he does manage to learn some valuable lessons in the process!
  • 3,898
    TRIBAL APOCALYPSE, the only LEGACY TRIBAL WARS tournament in the whole wide world. The Tribal format, the Tribal players, the Tribal decks, and everything else.
  • 7,559
    AJ and Adam talk more BFZ, Community Cup Prizes and various other tidbits from the world of MTGO news, and they are decidedly pro "Tangolands" (And Void Winnower).
  • 3,264
    I finally swallowed my pride and played in a "new and improved" Vintage Daily Event. How did it go? That depends on your point of view. Then I wax philosophical, and talk about the latest Vintage Player-Run Event results! Can't get enough Vintage content from me? Good news! I have links to some recent Vintage podcasts you should listen to! So much Moxen!
  • 2,663
    I ended my day, after round 9, as a Leatherback Baloth. That at least seems appropriate, even if the end result was disappointing. Join me on a review of the event, as well as a brief comparison between what I played, and what I was missing the whole time.
  • 3,433
    Flying! Two decks! Azorius and Monowhite! Isperia (original gangsta version) and Radiant.
  • 3,292
    This awesome niche format has just gone through some major changes! Today DimeCollectoR analyzes those changes, as well as the results of a recent Classic Heirloom event.
  • 3,008
    Last week I wrote about playing Modern during the lull of Standard. I built Affinity and started testing it. Then something happened. I had an encounter with a few cats and an avatar. Look inside to see what I am now playing in Modern and why I think its all the "rage"