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  • 6,539
    It's Friday. We have news, prices, decks tech and, since it is Robot Week - Robots. The big news is the new Wide Beta build, which actually works this time around. That's bigger news than the Born of the Gods spoilers. We also have a bunch of price changes and a game of musical chairs involving pro writers and their websites. So click already!
  • 7,784
    The Holidays are over, and we have news. Online PTQs are coming in March. MOCS is back. The release event payout is fixed. We have decklists and prices and my opinions on the forgery issue, all just a click away.
  • 8,666
    It's the new year. We have a ton of news, everything from fixed PEs to a new card frame to a great article on the one thing that really can kill Magic. All that, and the price changes I didn't get to last week, thanks to the inclement weather. All that and more, just a click away!
  • 6,612
    It's Next Year already! A bit of news over the holiday weekend, but the bulk of this edition is dedicated to saving PEs. Pete looks at what Wizards can do to push attendance - everything from better prizes to promos to special awards to letting players watch each other's matches. Pete even trots out some crazy ideas, like eliminating Top 8s in constructed events. It's five thousand words - there has to be some good stuff stuck in there somewhere. ;)
  • 5,722
    It's the last State of the Program for 2013. It's also Planeswalker Week, but Pete spends all his time dissecting the problems with PEs. They don't work, and he looks at why. That's in addition to the normal news, prices, events, deck tech and so forth. All inside - and Happy Holidays, everyone!
  • 6,853
    In This Issue, Pete looks at what Wizards said, and didn't say, during MTGO week on the mothership. He also talks about why bringing back Pauper Dailies may be a bad thing for MTGO as a whole. (Please read it before you flame.) All that, plus the usual news, prices, tech, and so forth. And Happy Holidays, everyone! (Even the Pauper players.)
  • 5,148
    Scheduled Events are Back, and the only things changed are the schedule and the price and payout of PEs (which both got better.) I break down the whys and wherefores. Prices are rebounding, GP Fort Worth was covered in ice, but that could not stop Huey Jensen, and I rant about the lack of prior warning of the return of MMA. All this, and more, just a click away.
  • 5,526
    It's Friday. It was a slow week: lots of holiday feasting, football and family means not a lot of Magic. But now it's time to fire up the draft queues: Modern Masters is back this week! We also have lots of price changes and at least some news.
  • 5,962
    It's American Thanksgiving. I'm thankful for news, prices, deck tech and MTGO. Most of all, I am thankful that Dailies and scheduled events are coming back, baby! Details inside.
  • 6,456
    One week after the Great Event Massacre, and Wizards is killing more MTGO formats. Prices are stabilizing, and the world moves on. Pete talks about where we are, and what Wizards should do about it.
  • 9,052
    This week: THE GREAT EVENT MASSACRE! MOCS and PTQ crash, Kibler rants and Wizards reacts. Everyone Panic! Or not. Pete recaps the events and reminds us that we have all been here before. (Not that that makes it any better.) MASSIVE article today: 6.5k words on where we are, where we are going, and what it all means. Plus decklists and a PTQ tournament report, all inside.
  • 8,922
    It's Friday. Time for news, tech, price changes and the stuff you need to know. We had Vintage and Legacy Champs, a GP and a bunch of events - lots of decklists. It's all just a click away.
  • 8,009
    It's Friday! Time for news, prices and tech. Wizards has added Hero's Path Standard Daily events, at the cost of nearly eliminating Classic (although Classic was already pretty much dead.) IN other news, Wizards provides some insight into development of the interface, and has given everyone a couple hundred free land. Find out why, inside.
  • 6,368
    VINTAGE MASTERS! The Power Nine is coming to MTGO! It will be online, as part of a Vintage Masters set. It will be here ... next June. We start speculating about the set. Also in this issue: news about the PTQ crash, and a recap of how the Theros Release events did (or didn't.)
  • 4,095
    It's Friday. Theros is online and in constructed formats. Prices are tanking. Wizards has released a bunch of info, and promised more. Pete is also looking for advice on building a suboptimal Theros sealed pool. Advice would be appreciated.
  • 5,042
    Theros is on MTGO. We have decklists with Theros, Theros prices and Theros tech. About the only thing we don't have are Pro Tour Theros results. For all the rest - read the article.
  • 4,341
    It's Friday. Theros is appearing in paper tournaments, and the prerelease events are starting. Here's the info.
  • 5,124
    It's Friday. Theros is here in the paper world. Wizards has explained how the Prerelease, Release and "Hero's Path" events will operate. All that, and I wrap up the "investment project" I began 18 months ago. I was testing whether you could make TIX by "shot calling" investments in particular cards. What's the verdict? You'll have to read the article.
  • 4,603
    A ton of news this week. Theros is spoiled, and the paper prereleases will be starting by the time you read this. Prices are fluctuating widely. Wizards has unveiled info on the online prerelease (about the same) and the release events (HUGE changes.) I kill a ton of bits analyzing it. Strap in - this one is pushing 5,ooo words.
  • 7,425
    It's Friday the 13th, and we have the bad luck of dealing with the new MTGO forums over on the Wizards site. Prices are all over the place. Theros spoiler season is in full swing. All that, plus some other news, is just a click away.
  • 4,959
    It's Friday. Time for a ton of news, prices, decks, spoilers and more. I also tell the story of going from the depressing low of first suffering a jackass and reporting him to the highs of finding some players doing the sort of thing that makes the MTGO community great. All in about 10 minutes. Welcome to the roller coaster.
  • 3,667
    It's Friday. We have news, prices, new decklists and a lot more. So click the link - it's not like you are actually working on a Friday, after all.
  • 5,195
    GenCon was last weekend, and featured a ton of Magic. I have decklists. I also have a lot of news and information - everything from a lifetime ban and account seizure to a complete restructuring of Phantom events. All that, and more, is just a click away.
  • 4,708
    It's GenCon! What more do you need? But if you are not here, then check out the news, prices, GR invasion and more. For example, Wizards has replaced CUBE Tix. Read it all here.
  • 5,338
    Lots of stuff this week. Some news, some deck tech, and some unexpected price changes. Pete also talks about what Modern Masters taught us about limited formats, and when to actually buy Commander decks from the store. (That's only a good idea at particular times, but now might be one.)