4,155Join us (AJ and Paul) as we babble about MTGO, MTGA and the arrival of Pauper in Paper, and pass on promo codes for Arena freebies.
3,410Marcos is back to wrap up War of the Spark and present the Core Set 2020 Sealed Set Review!
3,381Chandra's core set may be in danger of getting lost in the shuffle, but you can still learn how to draft it.
4,023Modern is the smallest non-rotating format. Are you big enough for it?
3,740I take a look at the best Modern brews of June.
4,748I give a review of Core Set 2020 from a Modern perspective. Come join me as I evaluate the cards from the latest Core Set and give my verdict on those with potential in Modern.
5,622Modern Horizons has already made a massive impact on the format, but it wasn't in the way our hosts expected. Why is Arcum's Astrolabe the most powerful card for pauper out of MH1? Don't miss this weeks episode of Common Knowledge!
3,675Data Breaches, Mythic Championship winners, Prices, news and more!
4,016TRIBAL APOCALYPSE, the only TRIBAL WARS tournament in the whole wide world. The Tribal format, the Tribal players, the Tribal decks, and everything else.
3,787Join us (AJ and Paul) as we finish off our view of 2020, and discuss the State of Arena Beta.
3,487Spencer talks about his #QuestFor10 update with Esper Heroes and how things went.
10,663As MH1 flows into post-release, I think its time we revisit one of the most fun decks I've ever played. And amp up the power just a twinge.
4,212This week Brandon and Lobbert talk over their results from testing UB Control decks in pauper.
6,385News, prices, winners and more, all in the newest State of the Program!
5,105Join us (AJ and Paul) as we look at 20/20 spoilers, discuss 20 questions, and gawk at 2020 packaging.
4,967TRIBAL APOCALYPSE, the only TRIBAL WARS tournament in the whole wide world. The Tribal format, the Tribal players, the Tribal decks, and everything else.
4,794Marcos is back with another WAR draft and starts sealed league play.
7,480The time of the Trilobite has come. Nothing will be as before.
6,541News, prices, another spoiler season is approaching, hot Modern tech and more this week!
4,877I take a shot at drafting the first set designed for Modern. Come with me as I get my first taste of Modern Horizons Limited.
5,396TRIBAL APOCALYPSE, the only TRIBAL WARS tournament in the whole wide world. The Tribal format, the Tribal players, the Tribal decks, and everything else.
4,733Join us (AJ and Paul) as we unveil 20/20s changes, engage in friendly debate over "what is fun?", and hope for Salvation around the corner.
5,005Buckle up girls and boys, this will will a doozie of an episode! Modern Horizons is upon us and there are more than just a few cards to be excited about for Pauper.
4,557Wizards, what have you released upon the world! Yawgmoth is a plague, the likes of we have never seen. And, he can't DIE.
3,960Marcos is back with brand new sealed leagues!