6,647TRIBAL APOCALYPSE, the only TRIBAL WARS tournament in the whole wide world. The Tribal format, the Tribal players, the Tribal decks, and everything else.
5,553Join us (AJ and Paul) as we play with a cube of silver, search for grand designers and ask if people are bored of Chandra yet.
6,765After a hot start to the format, Shane has found himself in a bit of a slump when it comes to drafting Dominaria. Come and review all of his picks of his latest Dominaria draft, and help him work out what he is doing wrong by commenting on the picks. He'll really appreciate it!
5,332Marcos finishes up his two Dominaria Sealed Leagues and takes on a draft!
8,363Newcomers might be surprised at just how much quirky stuff Magic used to have. (This is going to go a lot deeper than "creatures used to be worse and land destruction used to be better.")
7,936As a Vintage player I always wanted to attend Eternal Weekend but flying to the United States was out of question. Three years ago, we got the first European Eternal Weekend. I bring you a report from one Vintage event (7th) and Legacy Championship (46th) from the third European Eternal Weekend.
7,255Lorwyn is one of the most complicated non-Masters sets in history, so there's plenty of depth to mine in the Limited format? Which tribes should you draft, and what other archetypes are there?
4,304Spencer goes over some of the RB aggro decklists that top 8'd this weekend.
8,052I take a look at Traverse Death's Shadow in Modern. Come check out this exciting Delirium-fueled Suicide Aggro deck.
6,821It's Friday! Dominaria is in full swing. Battlebond -whatever that is - is coming. Prices have gotten interesting, and we have seen real changes in the Standard environment. Plus all the usual stuff, all just a click away.
5,096In his farewell article for PureMTGO, SteveJeltz discusses his real life job, the Magic community, and how Magic can be a at to show compassion and social force for good.
5,580Join us (AJ and Paul) we talk about changes to the client, suspension/changes to brawl, and "Gideon, You had one job!"
5,266TRIBAL APOCALYPSE, the only TRIBAL WARS tournament in the whole wide world. The Tribal format, the Tribal players, the Tribal decks, and everything else.
6,347In this article, Shane walks you through a recent Dominaria draft he did, pick-by-pick, then breaks down the results and examines what worked and what didn't.
4,875Marcos is back with Dominaria Limited and talks about splashing.
5,390BrawlStars is a new MTGO focused GamePlay show from the creator of Commander the Gathering and Planeswalker VS. Cheshire gathers community members and content creators together to play some SUPER SWEET Brawl decks.
4,939This week on Common Knowledge Lobbert and Brandon take another look at the state of the format!
4,508Spencer talks about some good ways to deal with salty MTG players.
5,755Three decks based on generosity, liches, and legends.
5,735If you're new to Pauper, it can feel like the Wild West. SteveJeltz helps you identify your opponent's strategy from their first turn. And knowing is half the battle.
7,479It's Friday! Dominaria is doing great! Standard is okay. Prices are falling, and Wizards mistakenly sent a suspension notice aimed at one store to all stores. ALL stores. It's been that kind of week. We have lots of news - good and bad - and a lot more of the usual stuff. Long article this week - and it is all just a click away.
3,704This week on Common Knowledge Lobbert and Brandon give you their tips and tricks with the MTGO client!
5,773TRIBAL APOCALYPSE, the only LEGACY TRIBAL WARS tournament in the whole wide world. The Tribal format, the Tribal players, the Tribal decks, and everything else.
5,460Join us (AJ and Paul) as we talk about Conduct, Chris Clay of MTGArena's AMA, and Giant Robots.
7,884Modern is the smallest non-rotating format. Are you big enough for it?