2,960Red, the color of BURN. BURN to the HEAD. There are some good burn cards in Shadowmoor, but let's take a look at all of red, shall we?
2,960Guest-star Whiffy Penguin and Walkerdog go more in-depth in talking about Threshold, examine the correct angles of attack, and Walkerdog has a break-down of Landstill.
2,958Black and White, success and failure. The price to pay for true devotion.
2,958My first tournament report since I've been back, may as well do it right!
2,957TRIBAL APOCALYPSE, the only LEGACY TRIBAL WARS tournament in the whole wide world. The Tribal format, the Tribal players, the Tribal decks, and everything else.
2,957Done with the last draft we jumped into another queue. Let's see how this one works out.
2,957Hello everybody and welcome to Classic, The Mind Tester. Magic the gathering, specially when played as an eternal format, is so often a complex mind puzzle. When to crack the fecthland, when to brainstorm, what to tutor for. This new series will explore that complex interaction and pit the read against a variety of challenging scenario's.
2,957We've struck Roil, otherwise known as 'Blue Gold'. Splendid Belt delivers a fun Standard deck that combines a low purchase price with a relatively high power. Turns out not all junk rares are really junk...
2,956Commander 2017 is finally on MTGO, and it brings with it almost three dozen older cards, along with some surprisingly curated list changes.
2,956Join AJ and special guest presenter Adam as they go over, under, around and through this week's news, prices and more. Find out what happens when you put two of the site's Johnniest writers on the same podcast...
2,956Black is the color of removal, death and bargains. Rogues and Boggarts and Faeries, oh my. See what black has in store for you in Morningtide.
2,954TRIBAL APOCALYPSE, the only LEGACY TRIBAL WARS tournament in the whole wide world. The Tribal format, the Tribal players, the Tribal decks, and everything else.
2,954During the last Ice Ages, ending about 12,000 years ago, glaciers flowed down into what is now Montana, causing some of the beautiful geography we see today. One of the things these glaciers did was to dam the occasional river. In this case, the Clark Fork (of the Columbia) River was dammed, which resulted in a huge lake covering a large chunk of western Montana.
2,953The second part of the series will cover when to go for the kill in an aggro deck. Join me as I cover these important skills and answer the important question of when should I?
2,953Although there isn't a CQ League match for this week, join Naoto as he gets into the first Classic Daily Event since the release of Dark Ascension. Has Classic really revived? No answers to that question but definitely more Classic relevant discussions.
2,952Using the Beta client and looking at the seating chart to see if signals actually mean anything. I take a look at this draft and try to figure out what I missed... I ended up playing the two colours that the 3 people passing to me where all in. Still built a reasonably solid deck though. Looking forward to Journey of Nix drafts - will be happy to see this format go by the wayside.
2,952This week whiff brings you a Classic Daily, and an ISD Sealed Swiss. Come on in for constructed and limited play. There is a ton of content today!
2,951TRIBAL APOCALYPSE, the only LEGACY TRIBAL WARS tournament in the whole wide world. The Tribal format, the Tribal players, the Tribal decks, and everything else.
2,951Back from a weeks vacation saying goodbye to the summer and Hello to fall with Peasant 13.03 leaving all of us a little burnt and bitten.
2,951Hello, and welcome to my new weekly or bi-weekly column! Read on as I explore arround and discover MTG and MTGO, experiencing as much as possible.
2,950Peyton is back to give you his final tips on piloting the powerful new BW Tokens deck that is taking the Standard world by storm. Also, he tells you why BW Tokens is a great investment for serious Standard players on a budget and asks you, the reader, what you want to read next!
2,949Everything you didn't want to know about the history of Prismatic, and more!
2,948TRIBAL APOCALYPSE, the only LEGACY TRIBAL WARS tournament in the whole wide world. The Tribal format, the Tribal players, the Tribal decks, and everything else.
2,948He Was Exceedingly Rich for Such a Young Man
2,948After a long hiatus I have returned to share some Fantasy set spoilers, acknowledge some great members of the player run event community and give an event report on my recent success in the Standard Heirloom event that runs on Fridays.