2,422In a break from Sealed Deck, Marcos takes on an M14 8-4 draft! Get ready for Grand Prix Oakland by reading this primer on M14 Draft!
2,421Freshly spoiled cards give the simulator a workout and I see how many evaluations I can make without spoiling my perfect record for getting proven wrong!
2,421Hey everybody!(Hi Dr. Nick)Ha ha. This time whiffy has two, count them two sealed pools for the AVR format. Come on in to see 7 rounds of limited play and brush up on the cards, tricks, and plays that you will see in the upcoming release weeks. Want to play for "free"? Learn from some of whiff's mistakes and get a leg up!
2,421AJ and Keya update you about the new things in grand prixs and the latest spoilers from Theros.
2,421Looking to play Legacy? Or, not quite Legacy, but a deck that takes a distinct tactic from that format and pushes it to the extremes of what a Common-Only Format allows? Well, I did just that for the last two weeks, to rather decent results.
2,420Welcome to the Highlight Reel, where this week we'll get to take a look at the new Standard metagame that came out of last week's States. We've got the Top 8 decklists from 44 events across the USA and Canada, and a boat-load of information to sift through. Then once we're done with that, we'll see what happened at Grand Prix Atlanta with more Shards of Alara limited play, and bear witness to an amazing acheivement in the Top 8.
2,420AJ and Keya give you the scoop on some Return to Ravnica flavor, chime in on a discussion of variance, update you on WotC staff changes.
2,420With Pre-Release on the horizon, and a new set being legal for Standard in a mere week, it's time to start thinking about what to play. Especially since there is an SCG: Columbus event at the end of the month that I plan on attending.
2,420Today Jason shares more insight regarding his Golgari Aristocrats deck and discusses changes to the Pauper metagame's status quo!
2,420Ixalan has arrived! Join Shane as he walks you through a draft of this exciting new format.
2,419In my first article, I interview Worth about the upcoming v3 transition.
2,419Taking a look at Standard with a Metagame Breakdown, Decklists, Screenshots, and more!
2,419Another week, another five interesting decks from the world of tournament Magic! This week: standard, modern, legacy and pauper!
2,418I knew I'd be piloting this deck at some point after seeing it. It's not quite the UW control I'm still hoping for, but it sure is fun!
2,418Join sergnotsurge as he tackles what it is offered now and what was offered then.
2,418Well! We had quite the crowd on Friday! The TO said it was the largest Modern crowd to date, and for the first time (there), Modern FNM went 5 Rounds. I brought Elspeth Goes Goth. How'd I do? Guess...
2,418Iconic Masters has been fully revealed, and while it won't be available for two months it's never too early to talk about it. This initial look talks about the design of the set, as well as the value contained within.
2,417In his journey of the seasons, FatManInALittleCoat has come across the mirror match up! Join Fatman as he explores the mirror match up, as well as a couple of other matches with his classic Oath build!
2,417Join me as I take on another draft, no White-blue this time, but a black-blue instant concoction!
2,415Glissa's plot unfolds, and she prepares herself for the impending obliteration of the world...
2,415A major news week and multiple tournaments give us a lot to cover in this week's Top Tier Magic!
2,415Alex and Mike attempt to discuss engines in Pauper and get a touch sidetracked.
2,414Join AJ, Keya and Seb as we look over the latest developments in Innistrad and the effects Modern is having on the marketplace, with a brief stopover on upcoming online releases and events.
2,414Shane continues with his Vintage Cube drafts, walking you through another one, pick by pick, pack by pack.
2,413Ith makes a not-so triumphant return to Magic Online, and tries to figure out what went wrong.