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  • 1,771
    After taking a break from Standard for almost a year, Ricks jumps back in by tackling a league. Results inside!
  • 3,107
    Time to visit the last reprint only core set, Tenth Edition! Luckily, that means we're almost done with the less thrilling draft environments. It also means prices are likely to be more responsive. Join me after the jump!
  • 3,066
    Admit it: you probably don't care that much about drafting a boring Core Set (even though that's the main focus of the article), so come for my initial impressions of Eternal Masters instead.
  • 1,917
    Take a look a the Magic Online metagame from the past week for all the major formats. Bonus - decklists!
  • 3,423
    Anthony's looking to count to ten this week! Join him while he analyzes the ups and downs of Infect in Pauper and examines a few decks that could take on the format!
  • 10,613
    It's Friday! It was Announcement Day! at Wizards, so we have lots of news. We also had a twitter storm after Aaron Forsythe (legally) cast Cone of Flame in a Standard match, surprising a lot of people. Niels Noorlander won the MTGO Championship, and we are seeing even more new archetypes in Standard, Modern and even the other eternal formats. And Pete looks at options for handling bulk cards - all just a click away.
  • 2,041
    The fastest tutorial to date from Pauper grinder deluxeicoff - who takes you through one of the most powerful decks in pauper: Hexproof. Loaded with stats, colorful commentary and interesting insights...
  • 3,912
    One of my favorite cards of all time is Bloodbraid Elf. The hatred and filth that spewed forth from my mouth when the card was banned was not for the feint of heart...nor women, children, the elderly, or even sailors. Cascade is a pretty sweet effect. But recently, I've been into a differing, although similar, effect. Come check out my Brain in a Jar.
  • 3,122
    TRIBAL APOCALYPSE, the only LEGACY TRIBAL WARS tournament in the whole wide world. The Tribal format, the Tribal players, the Tribal decks, and everything else.
  • 2,798
    For the first time in a while competitive Modern was taking centre stage last weekend. I take a look at some of the Modern decks from the SCG Modern Open and the Magic Online Championship and analyse how the format is evolving.
  • 2,038
    Join Paul and AJ as they go deep on all the products Wizards have just announced, weigh up how many of them will be coming online, and silently wish that today wasn't roadworks day. All this, and a special surprise downtime due to an absolute corker of a League bug...
  • 2,293
    Joshua has two drafts for us today. Join him as he takes a look at GR Midrange and BW!
  • 2,095
    This week on MTGO Theater we're featuring two Shadows over Innistrad drafts!
  • 1,813
    This week, Rick analyses the prospects for blue-white in Shadows over Innistrad limited, with some extra black-red vampires action thrown in the mix.
  • 1,782
    This week Marcos goes over colors in SOI, does some drafts and joins a new league!
  • 3,367
    Future Sight has almost fifty mechanics in it, but the Modern Flashback Series will help you navigate through the chaos.
  • 2,810
    Time to wrap up the old age of Magic and Magic storytelling! This week is Future Sight, bringing glimpses of potential futures and changing the very meaning of being a planeswalker! Oh, it's also worth a lot! Jump inside to find out more...
  • 2,055
    Join Shane once again as he takes a look at some of the more unique decks going around. This week: Standard, Modern, Legacy, Pauper and Vintage!
  • 1,633
    Spencer and Drew discuss their current thoughts on Shadows limited and how and and when you should take a stand in draft.
  • 3,794
    Thing in the Ice was receiving a lot of hype in the Legacy community during spoiler season. So far it hasn't lived up to expectations, but that could all change. Has the Thing finally found a home in Legacy?
  • 2,178
    Anthony takes a moment to look at his strengths and weaknesses as a player, and applies those to his Mono-Black Devotion Pauper deck!
  • 5,829
    It's Friday! The MTGO Championship is on Twitch. On MTGO, we get Competitive Modern leagues, more Vintage and Phantom SOI events. We have deck tech, prices, more news, and a chance to guess how many copies of Pacifism MTGOTraders.com owns. It's all just a click away.
  • 2,388
    Collected Company has been a force for as long as it has been around. Join me as I talk about some of the sweet decks that use the sweet green spell and how to beat them or fight the hate.
  • 2,187
    This week, Arctic decided to take UB Teachings into a Pauper Classic Tuesday's event and see how it goes. If you love old school control, then check it out!
  • 2,117
    Join AJ and Paul as they pick over this week's talking points, with deck ideas offline and on.