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  • 3,703
    TRIBAL APOCALYPSE, the only LEGACY TRIBAL WARS tournament in the whole wide world. The Tribal format, the Tribal players, the Tribal decks, and everything else.
  • Vintage DE#18
    Here's another Vintage Event!
  • 2,757
    Time to look in depth at the Play Points and what they mean.
  • 11,056
    Entry fees have doubled and players are revolting! ...but how can you smell them if we all play online? Wakka Wakka! Also FTV: Angels, Eldrazi fun, Tuck rule longings, a youtube sponsored video, Xantid Swarm and oh so much more!
  • 8,051
    The swan song for the core sets marks a brave new world of transforming planeswalker flashbacks.
  • 4,135
    This week, I bring you a deck that plays Cabal Therapy, and I discuss some interesting and highly impactful impending changes to MTGO Constructed Events! Don't miss this one folks!
  • 2,721
    This is always the toughest part of the year. Two months from rotation, a 2 week delay between paper pre-release and MTGO pre-release, and usually some sort of uproar on MTGO. It seems to happen every year. So, how do we make the best of this awkward time.
  • 6,919
    Hey hey! This deck is relentless.
  • 4,452
    Wanting to get into Modern, but don't want to spend hundreds of dollars on a tier one deck? Here's a cheap control deck with a cool combo finish!
  • 2,899
    I'm back after a 15-month hiatus with more ideas for the casual room!
  • 3,654
    We had our first events with Origins this past weekend and this weekend we get to plat with it on MTGO. What can we learn from the results? And what should you be playing online? Take a look as I go over some decklists and offer my opinion. SPOILER ALERT: There will be Mono White..
  • 2,441
    This week Marcos goes over the last 2 pools he did at the prerelease and talks about all he's learned about Origins Sealed!
    Hey, this card is great!: THE REVEAL - 2UU: Text: "Look at the first article in the series. You may read the article, or put it at the bottom of your library. If you read the article, you may search the words for the title of the article series, put it in your brain, then shuffle your feet and whisper to yourself. Put a 2/2 CalmLittleBuddy token with flying in play." Wanna play this card? Then read on.
  • 4,451
    I'm back from my hiatus to design something different than my normal reprint sets: From the Vault: Angels. Even though it seems like an easier task, even a very small collection of cards can teach some interesting design lessons.
  • 4,360
    With Magic Origins marking the last of the Core Sets, I take a look back over the Modern-legal Core Sets and the gifts they have provided us with.
  • 3,306
    This week Alex takes a look at Pauper's past and its future.
  • 4,313
    It's Friday. Nothing got banned, and Magic Origins hasn't made it to MTGO, yet. While we wait, Pete breaks out budget decks in various formats. Wanna guess what color(s)? All that, plus a bunch of news, prices, deck and more, all just a click away.
  • 2,529
    Have you ever wanted to see the most hated deck in Modern, well it appears I have it for you in this weeks article. Read on to find out why along with decks for Legacy and Vintage.
  • 2,267
    Athreos is heading into battle and has tasked us with building his army! He has been challenged to a duel by a rival Commander and he must prepare!
  • 79,745
    I've done combo compendiums before, but this one is solely based on my favorite Commander (two-card) Combo interactions. New to Commander? Maybe one of these will speak to you and start your journey to deck building. This tome contains a wealth of information so vast, a dragon should be freakin' guarding it, man.
  • 4,839
    Adam and AJ enlist Joe and Josh to banter 'bout banlists, and then we ditch them to continue the podcast as the normal duumvirate you know and love. We talk promos, other tidbits, and reminisce about Urza's Block. Join us for a long one, filled with information and also goofball fun.
  • 3,225
    The DCI has made its decree - No changes to the Vintage Restricted list! If Martello Shops is the de-facto best deck in the format, what will it take for the Gush-based decks like Delver to compete? Is there any hope for the mana-light "Gro"-style decks in a field full of Mishra's Workshop? Read all about the changes I've made while tuning my Delver deck this week in The Eternal Spotlight!
  • 2,768
    TRIBAL APOCALYPSE, the only LEGACY TRIBAL WARS tournament in the whole wide world. The Tribal format, the Tribal players, the Tribal decks, and everything else.
  • 5,006
    I take a look at an innovative Abzan deck that made the Top 8 of GP Singapore. Can Abzan Charm provide a reasonable alternative to Liliana? Does Wrath of God have a home in this style of deck? I answer these questions, provide gameplay footage and announce the results of last week's poll to find PureMTGO's favourtie Magic Origins card.
  • 4,425
    The un-named Omega and the best core set of whole Modern era; Magic Origins. Act three (final).