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  • 4,395
    In Vintage, people can sometimes be heard saying, "It has a good Mentor matchup." Sometimes you will hear someone declare the card to be broken, and you will hear someone else reply that it's an expensive Young Pyromancer, powerful but wildly overrated. Sometimes I'm asked, "Which do you think is favored in the Delver vs. Mentor matchup?" I began to answer by saying that Monastery Mentor is a card, not a deck.
  • 3,040
    There was a large paper event this past weekend and though the format was split there was ton of standard action. What I really enjoyed seeing was some of the brews or tier 2 strategies that showed up. I also checked out some of the 4-0 lists from the dailies. Join me as I take a look at what was hot and what was not so hot.
  • 2,369
    This week Marcos looks at the top 8 drafts from the Modern Masters 2015 weekend and takes on a few Modern Masters 2015 drafts himself!
  • 5,063
    Alex takes a look at the first week of Pauper since the release of Modern Masters 2015 and examines the new landscape taking shape in the format.
  • DDF Draft #1
    This time I bring you some limited content: a DDF 8-4 draft!
  • 6,399
    Tom goes into depth on the Thursday afternoon Pauper daily event's results and finds an interesting rogue at the top of the heap.
    Tom Scud
  • 5,399
    GP Vegas! Wizards threw the biggest Magic bash of all time. Also, other stuff happened. We have news, prices deck tech and a lot about Vegas and Modern Masters 2015, all just a click away.
  • 4,313
    In this article, gwyned takes at the Boros Tokens decklist that took the 1st place trophy at MPDC 29.08. After the link you'll find the decklist, some tips on playing the deck, a videocast covering the deck, and some bonus content on a sick combo to play against token strategies. Check it out!
  • 3,228
    Modern has changed since my last competitive paper event. With the SCG Open looming on the horizon this weekend, followed by GP: Charlotte and the MTGO Modern Festival, it's time to take a realistic look at how I can beat the Magic Bash Brothers, AKA turn 2-3 Gurmag Angler or Tasigur, the Golden Fang
  • 4,423
    Join Adam and AJ as they open the most recent *Gate, and completely at random, open a gate as well. All this and more!
  • 4,260
    This week, I talk about my experience piloting Landstill, and I Ponder the inner workings of several established Vintage decks. There's another chance to pick a deck for an upcoming article, and I talk about last year's Vintage Championship. Don't miss out on all the fun!
  • 4,044
    I take a look at each of the colours in Modern and discuss what each has to offer to the Modern player.
  • 3,470
    TRIBAL APOCALYPSE, the only LEGACY TRIBAL WARS tournament in the whole wide world. The Tribal format, the Tribal players, the Tribal decks, and everything else.
  • 3,165
    Come follow along as one Planeswalker searches the Multiverse for the best and most enjoyable decks. This week it's BW Tokens. Tear apart your opponents' hands and then eat them alive with rats!
  • 2,917
    This week I will discuss the viable control decks in the format and how well positioned I think they are. Also I will offer up a brew that I would love your opinions on!
  • 2,885
    Casper breaks down one of the most important and overlooked deckbuilding considerations!
  • 3,842
    Tom looks at the first week of Pauper using MM 2015 cards and takes a longer look back at the previous season
    Tom Scud
  • MBCu and YOU
    Chris illustrates a deck that can tackle the wild west of the Pauper metagame. Draw cards, kill gunslingers and ride off into the sunset.
  • 2,343
    This week Marcos talks about what he's learned from the Grand Prix weekend and tries his skills at Modern Masters 2015 Draft!
  • 3,782
    I'm in Vegas, and a memory crash ate not only this week's normal State of the Program but also the databases and spreadsheets I use to create it. I have backups at home, but for this week, I' talk a bit about GP Vegas, then talk about a misplay I see players make over and over again. It's kind of Chad Ellis's Danger of Cool Plays for a new century.
  • 3,748
    This week Alex takes a look at the Pauper metagame with Dragons of Tarkir!
  • 2,708
    The Modern Masters 2015 release is here, and Tyler is ready to go over drafting the set. Come look at the best cards, and a brief overview of his first experience with the set.
  • 2,185
    Similar to Huey's series, we discuss some packs of Dragons to see what the first pick would be in a draft!
  • 7,935
    A Turn 3 combo? But I thought they were banned. Well here is one that slipped through the net, Hulk Flash!
  • 5,337
    This week, I talk about a new take on a popular Vintage deck, and show off my new Legacy deck as well. Get ready to fetch up a Batterskull, because Stoneforge Mystic is the creature-of-the-week! Plus, what you can do to grow our MTGO Eternal Magic scene!