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  • 3,744
    This week, join me as I shine a Spotlight on Monastery Mentor decks in Vintage and Legacy. I break down a few important and complex cards, like Misdirection and Gush, and I discuss the lineage of "growing" creatures that preceded Monastery Mentor. There's plenty of great stuff this week, click the link and find out for yourself!
  • 3,349
    This week abstrakt66 discusses a deck that has been making the rounds on Magic Online - including genesis of the Deck Construction and how to Sideboard against the field!
  • 3,278
    Buck, a powerful dog, half St. Bernard and half sheepdog, lives on Judge Miller’s estate in California’s Santa Clara Valley. He leads a comfortable life there, but it comes to an end when men discover gold in the Klondike region of Canada and a great demand arises for strong dogs to pull sleds. Buck is kidnapped by a gardener on the Miller estate and sold to dog traders, who teach Buck to obey by beating him with a club and, subsequently, ship him north to the Klondike.
  • 15,389
    Modern can be a tough format to compete in when every deck seems to be running its own linear strategy. It can become overwhelming trying to fill your sideboard with answers for such a variety of archetypes. I'm here to tell you about a card I believe can be used against most of these unfair decks.
  • 8,421
    I continue my adventures with Tasigur and try out a Grixis Twin deck that looks to abuse The Golden Fang!
  • Modern DE#3
    I try to take down another Modern DE with Scapeshift.
  • 4,500
    Tom Scud checks out the Pauper metagame and the matchups between top decks in the first week without Treasure Cruise.
    Tom Scud
  • 2,681
    Thanks to the sweet new format and the constant writing of our Calm Little Buddy I decided to try our Standard again on MTGO. What will I play and what do I suggest? Gotta read to find out!
  • 2,614
    Infinite mana is usually reserved for EDH and kitchen table magic. The Temur Ascendancy combo has proven that it is possible to bring it to the big kids table. Let's go have some fun with it.
  • 2,537
    Casper takes his Esper Prowess deck through a few matches on MTGO!
  • 2,515
    This week Marcos goes over his thoughts on how to draft Dragons of Tarkir and then implements it in 2 DTK Prerelease drafts!
  • 3,813
    Alex takes a look at the recent results of Pauper Daily Events and draws conclusions about the future of the format now that Treasure Cruise has been banned.
  • 3,528
    The full Tempest Remastered set list is out, and now it's time to compare the design from this column to the actual design by Wizards of the Coast. Where did I get it right, where did I get it wrong, and how can we use this data point to improve designs in the future?
  • 3,359
    After trying, and failing, to resist the allure of starting a new week-on-week collection-growing article series, lordmalinari spends his first $5 and outlines his plans for the future!
  • 4,788
    It's Friday. Dragons of Trakir prereleases have begun. We have a list of known bugs. We also had some unknown bugs that were bad enough for Wizards to cancel Legacy and Vintage events. The full list for Tempest Remastered is out, and I crunch the numbers. Is the expected EV good enough to justify playing? Gotta click to find out.
  • 4,090
    The award show you always wanted to be a part of, but were afraid to ask.
  • 3,926
    In this article, gwyned breaks down Dragons of Tarkir for Standard Pauper, analyzing each and every card and its potential in the new metagame. Today, in Part Three, he covers the remaining Black, Red, and Green Commons as well as the Artifacts, then reviews his best picks from the set.
  • 2,846
    TRIBAL APOCALYPSE, the only LEGACY TRIBAL WARS tournament in the whole wide world. The Tribal format, the Tribal players, the Tribal decks, and everything else.
  • 85,327
    Holy game-changer, Batman! The EDH rules committee has reworked how cards like Oblation, Spin Into Myth and so forth work! This article explains what tucking is, what the new rule is, and evaluates how it affects these Commander-hoser cards, while also giving a bit o' opinion on the change.
  • 5,349
    In this episode, I share my new deck, and prove that a non-Omniscience Oath of Druids deck still has some gas left in the tank! I also touch on what I'm playing in Legacy, and quickly recap the top five Legacy decks by appearance. Enjoy!
  • 2,990
    Just in time for the release of the new cards on MTGO, I return to finish off my DTK set review for the standard format looking at red, green, multi-coloured and land cards.
  • 2,838
    In an England of the future, Alex and his "Droogs" spend their nights getting high at the Korova Milkbar before embarking on "a little of the old ultraviolence," while jauntily warbling "Singin' in the Rain." After he's jailed for bludgeoning the Cat Lady to death, Alex submits to behavior modification technique to earn his freedom; he's conditioned to abhor violence. Returned to the world defenseless, Alex becomes the victim of his prior victims.
  • 3,975
    Learn about Modern Scapeshift from someone who has been playing the deck for over a year.
  • Modern DE#2
    Let's take Scapeshift on another DE!
  • 2,753
    Tune in to discover why the discussion surrounding bans in Modern is nonproductive. To do this, we'll look at the past, present and future of other formats along with Modern. Do you care about the health of the Modern format? Then follow along and discuss your own thoughts on the format.