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  • 2,546
    Join AJ and Adam as they delve into the freshly-revealed entirety of Tempest Remastered and look ahead to the release of Dragons of Tarkir. All this and more!
  • 3,435
    Casper presents an innovative and powerful Esper Prowess deck!
  • 2,975
    The Vintage deck I brought to the recent Daily Event is so good it DOESN'T even need a sideboard.
  • 2,327
    This week Marcos breaks down another prerelease pool, talks about seeded packs, and gives tips for the Magic Online Prerelease!
  • 4,085
    After going over the big-picture goals of the set in Part 1, Part 2 dives into the limited format, covering the archetypes and mechanics of the set.
  • 4,054
    In this article, gwyned breaks down Dragons of Tarkir for Standard Pauper, analyzing each and every card and its potential in the new metagame. Today, in Part Two, he covers all of the Common reprints in the set and well as the rest of the White and Blue Commons.
  • 7,662
    Behold the never-before-seen marriage of aesthetics and functionality.
  • 5,482
    It's Friday. In the paper world, the Dragons of Trakir goes on sale today. Online, we have another week of Rise of the Eldrazi and Cube drafts. We also have some minor B&R changes and can watch some streamers drafting DTK a couple days early. Next week, though…
  • 2,604
    I want to break free from your lies, you're so self satisfied.
  • Legacy Elves!
    St. Patricks's Day just passed so I figured I would take a break from Modern and show you a list that has a bunch of different little green men.
  • 3,643
    Welcome everyone, to my latest series, The Eternal Spotlight. My new focus will be on the eternal formats as a whole, and Legacy Lessons is essentially merging with the new content. Stay tuned for exciting changes, and please, don't forget that I'll still be covering Legacy as well!
  • 2,786
    TRIBAL APOCALYPSE, the only LEGACY TRIBAL WARS tournament in the whole wide world. The Tribal format, the Tribal players, the Tribal decks, and everything else.
  • 2,727
    To sleep, perchance to Dream; Aye, there's the rub, for in that sleep of death, what dreams may come, when we have shuffled off this mortal coil, must give us pause. There's the respect that makes Calamity of so long life: for who would bear the Whips and Scorns of time... When he himself might his Quietus make with a bare Bodkin?
  • 2,643
    Return of the series that brings you live vintage daily event matches.
  • 2,085
    Join AJ and Paul for their picks from Dragons of Tarkir, a look at the banned and restricted list changes, a massive paradigm shift for Commander, and a chance to have a say, or even be, in Freed From the Real's future...
  • 7,905
    Fate Reforged provided us with Tasigur, the Golden Fang. Is Tasigur the man to revive the Delver decks post-Treasure Cruise ban? Let's see!
  • 4,305
    Watch Casper battle with a unique (and hilarious) Modern brew!
  • 4,007
    Welcome to the final part of the Dragons of Tarkir financial review. Today, I'm going review all the rest Green, Multicolored and Land cards. Today is the only thing we have in this new future. Tomorrow, we have to go back and face our Origins...
  • 3,320
    If you think Wizards spoiled Dragons of Tarkir, CalmLittleBuddy really spoils the whole darn set. And I mean ruins it. Okay, half of it because it's too many damn cards for one article! And only the relevant playable cards. Oh, and only as they relate to Standard Constructed play. Okay, so maybe he's not reviewing the entire set... Read it and weep, for realz. White, Blue and Black cards you should know before playing any Standard Event after release!!!
  • 3,095
    Block is all but dead, so I'm transitioning fully to the standard format. With the full spoiler for DTK now up, it's time to dive straight in to the set review with an overview of the high level changes to the format from the new removal options, followed by specific reviews of the likely or possible constructed options in white, blue and black.
  • 2,547
    Join Marcos as he breaks down his favorite deck in Modern, UR Storm! Here he talks about why you would want to play Storm, how Storm operates, general tips and tricks while piloting it and how to beat it.
  • 3,511
    Do you love Magic? Matt loves Magic, but do you feel that there are a lot of things that can be better about the game? Do you ever question the conventional wisdom of the Magic media? Do you ever feel that some things just aren’t the way that they are and that there is some logic to this madness? Matt invites you into his ranting/brainstorming series of his thoughts on what is wrong in the wonderful game of Magic the Gathering and ways that the game can improve.
  • RUG Aggro
    Want a cheap aggro deck to grind?
  • 2,327
    The Dragons of Tarkir Prerelease is over and Marcos is back to give you a report on how he fared this past weekend! Plus he talks about how you should be sideboarding more in Limited!
  • 2,173
    In this installment, I'm going to explore the build of Sultai Control that I lent to a friend who piloted it to a PPTQ 1st place finish. Also, I will talk very briefly about Dragons of Tarkir and its impact.