6,637Thirteen mana on turn 6 isn't bad. What would you do with it?
5,413Urza's Destiny is online! Let's take a look at what can be good for Commander! Also a few words about the new Commander product coming out this summer.
4,249Today I am going to give you 4 deck lists that I didn't think I should devote an entire article to for one reason or another. Hopefully you can get some ideas from what you see here!
5,909I'm using an under-appreciated legend with a bunch of goodies from MBS today. How does she do in battle? Check out this article for a deck list and game report!
7,518There are numerous legends out there that I don't see used but are pretty good. Let's take a look at some of the little used Commanders and what we can do with them!
7,299Let's look at a budget deck that gives you a bunch of staples to play with and costs the same as the currently available precons!
4,744What is good in MBS for Commander? Let's find out!
5,645In the final article regarding the archetypes you can face in Commander games, we look at Combo!
6,281Continuing on my review of the archetypes you will run into while playing Commander, let's take a look at Control!
4,685Today I'm bringing you the first in a trilogy of articles regarding the main deck archetypes you may run into while playing Commander. First up: Aggro!
5,467I've updated one of my original Commander decks for your viewing pleasure. Can it stand up to the rigors of the new metagame? Check out this deck based around a little used legend, and a game report!
6,743You say you have the Xira precon, and you want to improve it without spending a whole ton of money? Let your friendly neighborhood Deck Doctor help you out!
6,510How are we gonna take the Rubinia precon and make it playable? By using your friendly neighborhood Deck Doctor, of course!
5,164Let's check out what is good in MED4 for Commander! Plus a bonus decklist!
6,077Mono-Brown isn't the easiest to build around. It is mainly permanent based, with no instants and very few sorceries. Let's see what I can do with Karn!
5,915Red is the aggressive color, but has the reputation as weak in Commander. Let's see if I can make enough little dragons to change peoples' minds. Plus a comment on the new banning and rules change!
13,983In the past I have had people ask me about my deckbuilding process. In this article I will show you how I create a deck, starting from scratch. You will see my step by step, not so scientific process to see just how my process works. Also, a comment about the upcoming changes to Commander, including the 2 brand new spoiled cards!
6,143Today we look at a Bant decklist with an Enchantress twist. Don't run away just because I used Rafiq! Check out this deck and game report!
5,678Another wedge general, another deck. Let's have some fun with Intet!
5,765Wanna stomp on people with some large critters, using a Commander that is immune to all forms of destruction? Check out this article for a deck and game report!
7,814EDH and Commander are based upon the "Social Contract" and as such, there are a few cards that are generally frowned upon when playing. I am going to talk about a few of them, why people hate them, and when they may be acceptable.
6,493This. IS. KALDRAAAAA!!!! (Ok, it's an old meme, but it works here.)
7,840What? Not Jhoira? Not Niv-Mizzet? No, I didn't go with either of those powerful legends. Instead, I went with this crazy couple. Check this article out for a deck and game report.
9,491More Artifacts than you can shake a stick at! (And I can shake a stick a lot.) Check out this article as I take a look at the Artifact and Green cards in SOM and discuss their applications in Commander. Plus a bonus decklist at the end!
6,381Sometimes you just want to fling stuff directly at an opponent's face. Luckily, Brion's arm is strong enough for the task.