2,631Spoiler Alert!! I did not win GPNJ but I learned a ton. Take a look inside as I highlight the highs and lows (but mostly lows) and explain what I would play in legacy moving forward and some advice in handling crushing defeat.
2,631It's time to catch up on various reprint set-related topics, including Iconic Masters follow-up, Masters 25 speculation, and From the Vault: Transform predictions.
2,630Eternal Wisdom 3 - Analysis of the Classic "Daily Events". Delivering information on the Top8 decks, insights into the matchups, analysis of a shifting meta-game, and advice on how to prepare for the next Classic event!
2,630Come see how my appetite affects my Deck Building...
2,630With the price of Standard decks at an all time high and cheaper options not competing as well, one can look at Zen Block Constructed events for a competitive environment with Daily Events firing multiple times a day. I will highlight 3 decks that won't break the bank but can help you score some packs.
2,630Join Oliver, Adam and AJ for another round of news, views, previews, and wittering on on wild tangential digressions about Magic. All this and more!
2,630This week we ring the great vegetable bell and spread an evil blight over the land, yep Flippers_Giraffe is back for another fun filled article.
2,629Walkerdog is here with some advice as to what to play in constructed queues!
2,629We were hoping to get a reunion podcast with AJ, Erik and a special guest.... but sadly no AJ to be found! Hopefully we can all cross paths for a special podcast next week! Since we were missing a key member of the cast, Erik ran a solo mission until we can all get together!
2,629Modern Masters 2015 is finally here! The format of GP Vegas is going to be sealed. Let's get some practice in!
2,629New format, who dis? Ahh just trying to get your attention. Wizards are cheap, powerful and surprisingly good!
2,628A look at what Tempest will teach us, as well as another piece of the MTGO site and service compilation project!
2,628Erik, AJ and Sebastian cover the weekly round up of M11 spoilers and wax energetic about Red Decks Win in all its various guises!
2,627I take a look back at the Jund list that won me a PTQ last month, the changes it's undergone since, and what M11 cards Jund players should keep their eyes on.
2,627Peyton is back to to share some things he learned from Prerelease weekend. What all-stars did he play with and against, and how fat is Master of the Feast?
2,627In this Episode, Brad and Christian bring on a special guest to discuss Modern Horizons
2,625A first pick rare threatens to send this draft off the rails.
2,623Join Zach, Andy and Josh as they discuss the first round of the CQ Invitational League
2,623Billy was a mountain; Ethel was a tree growing off of his shoulder. Which, some of you are shouting right now, is a flagrant rip-off of a Frank Zappa tune. For some reason, Zappa's been tangentially on my mind the past few days. I wonder why. So pardon me while jump on my pygmy pony and ride off into the moonlight.
2,62314 new commons cards are about to enter the Pauper format thanks to the new Exclusive Sheet included in the most recent Treasure Chest update. Come check out these 14 new digital commons and their viability in Pauper.
2,622Hipuncle takes a look at the Black cards from the new set Shadowmoor
2,622You love it; or more likely, you hate it. It is my friend, even still, you need to know your enemy.
2,621Looking at the format from the ground up, Alex examines how the mana of PDC helps to determine what decks are viable.
2,621Welcome everyone. Inside we will discuss our latest tribal event, a short walkthrough with my World of Kedoria deck and maybe a small section on the success or failure of my Valakut deck.
2,621My first SoM sealed as well as my last M11 draft.