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  • 7,328
    Sparked on by some forum discussion, Alex takes a look at why some otherwise great cards take a different role in Pauper, culminating with a discussion of the new mechanic, Cascade, and its impact on all commons Magic.
  • 7,327
    It's Friday. It's almost time for the insanity that will be GP Richmond, but it is time for news, prices and lots of deck tech. Don't wait, get yours now. Operators are standing by.
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    #9 Should be illegal!
  • 7,314
    I've been playing in the Chaos EDH tournaments lately, which have a new twist each week on deckbuilding requirements to keep everyone on their toes. Come see how I did! (P.S. Flaaaaarg!)
  • 7,312
    It's Friday. Time for news, prices, cutting edge tech and - this week only - another editorial on trading, investing and MTGO cards.
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    This week I start a new series of articles which I call the "Seven Deadly Sins". Each week I will select one of those sins and will combine it with a Magic deck. This week's sin is gluttony and the deck is a really gluttonous Tier-1 Standard deck. Curious? Come on in then!
  • 7,302
    I'm back from my holiday and looking at the WB Tokens deck in Modern! Deck tech, cost analysis and gameplay videos all included within. Souls will linger, alarms will be raised and there will be spectral processions in the sky!
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    Ever wondered how a certain deck could break a format? Do you want to taste how powerful such deck archetype is? Legacy is there for you to explore Magic's history by allowing you to play a wide range of decks that became established in all these years.
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    Let's look at a budget deck that gives you a bunch of staples to play with and costs the same as the currently available precons!
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    Building a better deck, in Rainbow Stairwell. Tips and Tricks to Keep you on top of the competition.
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    I discussed in my first budget article that I was starting my MTGO collection entirely from scratch. My wife plays magic but is such a casual a player that if she plays once a year, I'm lucky. She decided to donate her entire MTGO cardpool to me since she never uses it. Her whole collection was worth less than $30; so in honor of her donation, My third article is dedicated to her and features her decks. TEN Decks Showcased! Modern/Pauper/Classic!
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    Join us (AJ and Paul) we discuss Arena disruption, C19 rules and oracle update and Brawl renewal.
  • 7,279
    How to meander through one of the most complex format for mana bases in existence...
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    In this article, I look at Bitterblossom in its original home with the rest of the Fae.
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    Here is my introductory guide to Avacyn Restored. I review the commons, the colors, and go over the major archetypes. Also, watch me make a fool out of myself as I talk about my opinions on the Avacyn Restored draft format.
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    Hammy has all the news and views that is fit to print!
  • 7,273
    The full spoiler for Core Set 2019 was released on Friday. What does the limited environment look like? Shane has done some analysis and breaks it down for you here.
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    1. A Construct may well injure its owner or, through inanity, allow its owner to come to harm. 2. A Construct must obey the orders given to it by its owner, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law. 3. A Construct must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law. Or if it doesn't really care.
  • 7,265
    Tune in this week for few decks built around Braid of Fire that takes advantage of the M10 rules update!
  • 7,264
    Today I'm going to sketch out a few deck ideas based on new or returning cards from the upcoming M10 core set. I've also included a lament on Wrath of God, some commentary on individual cards, thoughts on the set as a whole, and ideas for Standard, Extended, and Classic.
  • 7,261
    Sheldon "the Godfather of EDH" Menery, was responsible for bringing the commander format into the public eye and soon it became a fixture on the Pro Tour circuit being played by judges after long event days as a way to wind down. Sheldon is still a very active member of that rules committee and EDH player.
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    In this article we will be looking at Boros in Modern! Deck tech, cost analysis and commentated gameplay videos all included within. Fetchlands will crack, land will fall!
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    Lorwyn is one of the most complicated non-Masters sets in history, so there's plenty of depth to mine in the Limited format? Which tribes should you draft, and what other archetypes are there?
  • 7,253
    Did you ever had a bug on mtgo? Have you ever payed your tix for an event and lost a match because you were bugged? You don't know what to do in that situations? Customer service here I rule!!! Let's check the options the service of Wizards of the Coast provide to their customers!
  • 7,246
    Alex brings us another installment of the decks you want to be taking into the Pauper 4 man queues. This episode, White Weenie. No, really.