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  • 7,494
    Matthew goes deep into the Fate Reforged spoiler. He talks about how the new set will affect the draft format. He touches on the speed of FRF, the power of the cards, and potential new archetypes. He also talks about the prerelease and what strategies will best perform there.
  • 7,490
    In this article, gwyned examines the new forerunner of the Standard Pauper metagame: Dimir Mill. After discussing what makes this deck so effective, he offers several tips for how to have a fighting chance against it. All this, plus video coverage of this deck in action, you'll find after the link.
  • 7,483
    Join us (AJ and Paul) as we grind over PT changes, unexpected explosions and an empty list.
  • 7,481
    Can't keep up with cards that cost 10+ tix each? Here's a "not so expensive" deck for you that could win you many games.
  • 7,480
    The time of the Trilobite has come. Nothing will be as before.
  • 7,479
    It's Friday! Dominaria is doing great! Standard is okay. Prices are falling, and Wizards mistakenly sent a suspension notice aimed at one store to all stores. ALL stores. It's been that kind of week. We have lots of news - good and bad - and a lot more of the usual stuff. Long article this week - and it is all just a click away.
  • 7,477
    Have you ever wanted to strip your opponent of cards on turn 3? or draw 6 cards in one turn all the while beating your opponent down with huge creatures? Join Eddie today on his return article to PureMTGO where he details a Blue Black Zubera deck based around stripping your opponent of resources while drawing a ton of cards in return.
  • 7,474
    This week I bring even more charts for your consumption, as well as Commander information and the latest round of BaCooN deck evolution series!
  • 7,472
    This is an article just to show off the new MED3 set!
  • 7,468
    Do you love fringe formats? Unusual Magic games? Have you never heard of Rainbow Stairwell? Have you heard of it, love it, and want to read a new article about it? If you haven't heard of Rainbow Stairwell, do you like singleton formats? Do you like deck building restrictions that bring out your inner Johnny? Well my friend this article is for you! 5 Rainbow Stairwell Decks, & 1 BONUS Prismatic Singleton Rainbow Stairwell deck inside! (What could that be??)
  • 7,461
    Another Heirloom article, this one covers one of our events, announces new Heirloom Godfathers, another Heirloom Media award winner, The Heirloom sealed deck league, new bannings and legalizations, SOM and a little thing I like to call "Charlemagne"!
  • 7,459
    It's Friday. Pete is enjoying his travels - entering the 25th hour and fifth delayed/cancelled/whatever flight of his journey. With airport Internet down, no available outlets and a dead laptop battery. Let's see if Josh can salvage what he managed to upload - but it does have news, prices, tech and the first half of an essay on card availability.
  • 7,449
    Until this week, when the price has been in flux due to new supply, Force of Will cost around 120 tickets a piece on Magic Online. This price causes anyone considering playing Legacy on Magic Online to steer clear due to sticker shock, which in turn forces a massive discrepancy between the actual number of people interested in playing Legacy on Magic Online versus those that actually buy the cards and do play.
  • 7,443
    Now that the Community team has managed to defeat the Wizards team, its time to dust off those Planeswalker cards and earn some free packs!
  • 7,431
    It's janky, it's unreliable, and it forces you to use other janky and unreliable cards. Exactly my type of card!
  • 7,428
    It's Friday. We have news! Worth has spoken of leagues and improvements and promos and more. The Legacy Challenge is tomorrow, and we will have a streamer showdown next week. We also have prices, deck tech and more, and another judge puzzle. All just a click away.
  • 7,428
    What does a Limited format focused on Planeswalkers look like? Let's dive into the war and find out!
  • 7,426
    In this article I am going to highlight twenty five cards that tend to cause a little resentment when destroyed, and reasons why the resentment is really unwarranted.
  • 7,425
    It's Friday the 13th, and we have the bad luck of dealing with the new MTGO forums over on the Wizards site. Prices are all over the place. Theros spoiler season is in full swing. All that, plus some other news, is just a click away.
  • 7,423
    Hi, this is Super Lucky Guy speaking. I won MTGOTraders' monthly drawing, and got my choice an Xbox or a $350 gift certificate. I'm doing the certificate thing. Want to watch me spend the loot? Drooling is allowed. (On a more practical note, I'll talk about the staples and buying for future formats and add lots of decklists.)
  • 7,423
    Shocked? I know I'm not. This week we take a look at the power of gaining life in Pauper.
  • 7,422
    This article covers a deck that has managed to do what many others could not; succeed in an MTGO Standard Daily event or MTGO Standard Premier event and do it at a budget price. This Giant Slayer is a $10 Mono Green Devotion Aggro deck.
  • 7,420
    It's time of year again, PAX East 2015 has just been and WOTC has given us some exciting new teasers for Magic Origins and their other future releases. Come and see as I break down the new information and speculate on what we could see.
  • 7,416
    Recently, Pete Jahn published an article discussing the merits of waiting to crack a first-turn Terramorphic Expanse until the end of the opponent’s next turn. There is far more nuisance to the play than originally discussed. Instead, the equilibrium play is to occasionally bluff that you are a “bad” player. In this article, I develop a formal game-theatrical model, solve that model, and discuss its implications empirically.
  • 7,416
    Here's some more legendary and multicolored cards. And, lo and behold, they're already online!