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  • 8,153
    STAR WARS themed commander. May the 4th was just celebrated and we have a new SW movie coming out next year, the “lust for theme articles” bug bit me.
  • 4,578
    Two Commander decks, one all creatures and one mostly all creatures. Take a walk on the wild side, think outside the deck box, and embrace the unusual with Animar and Ruric Thar.
  • 85,327
    Holy game-changer, Batman! The EDH rules committee has reworked how cards like Oblation, Spin Into Myth and so forth work! This article explains what tucking is, what the new rule is, and evaluates how it affects these Commander-hoser cards, while also giving a bit o' opinion on the change.
  • 4,930
    Show me how to Voltron. Show-show me how to Voltron. *pretend a moderately phat beat has been dropped*
  • 3,628
    Ahhh, the holidays. If you couldn't tell, I love me some winter holidays and this year is no exception. Xenagos loves to party and their ain't no party like a Xenagos Xmas Party 'cuz a Xenagos Xmas party beats opponents' faces.
  • 6,254
    After the Commander 2014 sets came out, the best card for my Johnny-addled brain was Titania, Protector of Argoth. Come check out my latest favorite commander.
  • 6,752
    I thought I would write a Commander article detailing how I am going to alter one of my current decks when Khans of Tarkir hits online and Abzan's glory can be added to Ghave, Guru of Spores (Yay +1/+1 Counters!)
  • 5,956
    It's the last theme week for the forseeable future - Madness week. Our illustrious theme week leader has allowed writers to interpret the theme however we like. What did ol' Boosh do? Behold an excuse for a Batman homage.
  • 4,412
    It's Vampire Week on PureMTGO. I can't just slap together a tribal vamps Commander deck and call it a day! How about a Vampy-Commander that screams Johnny? Behold Jeleva, Nephalia's Scourge and a commander deck which only has 8 creatures!
  • 7,213
    As Summer is here and temperatures are already starting to become sweltering (here in NY state at least), I figured why not revisit the frozen land of Terisiare on Dominaria during the Ice Age and the Thaw. Heidar, murderer-usurper of the Cult of Rimewind, heads our army as Commander and utilizes self-bouncing your own permanents to great effect.
  • 4,310
    It's Worship Week on PureMtgo. Why not showcase the same commander and have two thematically different (sorta tribal) decks? It's all or nothing as I present two Karona, the False God decks aptly named Atheism and Theism.
  • 6,984
    Every archetype of Magic player— Johnny, Timmy, Spike and even Vorthos, has a little of the other types within them. They bleed into each other. No true Johnny can say he doesn't have ounces of Spike and Timmy in him. I keep my inner Spike locked in a Barl's Cage but occasionally he lets himself out. As a Johnny and partial Timmy I love the social aspect of Magic yet this deck makes you absolutely no friends. Sometimes, though, you just want to pull off a heinous combo or seven.
  • 7,983
    It's Colossal Week on PUREMTGO. I put on my mad scientist coat and prove to the commander community that you can build a monoblue deck based entirely on casting colossal blue fatties. Come check out the deck and see if you think it stands a chance at littering the battlefield with huge blue creatures.
  • 8,914
    When Born of the Gods dropped (like it's hawt) Karametra was the card I am most looked forward to! It screams build a commander deck around me! Bouncing your own creatures to cast them again, landfall, and a bevy of fun tricks make this commander deck absolutely perfect for Land Theme Week here on PureMTGO.
  • 3,398
    In my particular vein of johnnydom, I enjoy a challenge. I play a lot of commander games, and often my wacky decks encounter a bevy of varying opposing commanders, but I've never played against Basandra, Battle Seraph. This plucky lil' $1.56 angel is just the challenge I was looking for. Let's Boil Some Blood (Let's make creatures attack)!
  • 13,558
    It's Heaven and Hell theme week here on PureMTGO. I've got a Commander deck for you that combines many elements of Judeo-Christian concepts of the afterlife, including the 7 deadly sins/heavenly virtues and extensively referencing Dante's Divine Comedy. Kaalia of the Vast plays the part of Virgil/Beatrice!
  • 6,514
    In this article, I combine two concepts I've been playing around with into one awesome gruul colored commander deck. Equal parts mostly-tribal, +1/+1 counters, tons o' mana, and beefy spells-- but it's all Johnny.
  • 4,308
    ...oh my. Robot theme week! Wheeee! I command(er) you to say it like Zoidberg: Robit! I absolutely love robots, and I absolutely love Magic, and here we are!
  • 5,880
    Sometimes you can't help yourself, and when you get into both a writing-zone and a celebrating-the-holidays zone they converge like Alara's maelstrom and whammo, you have a second holiday article. This one required research, and is a deck that finds magic cards that are applicable to weird, strange and traditional holiday celebrations across history and the globe.
  • 3,966
    Welcome to another holiday Boosh article! I love being able to turn magic johnny fun into holiday themed chicanery. Since my article series (presently) focuses on Commander, This article takes a very appropriately themed deck and expounds upon it: Give-n-Take! The holidays are all about gift giving, and so is this deck. :)
  • 7,947
    Commander 2013 has already dropped, like it's hot, in paper as of November 1st. We poor online folk have to wait all the way until December 20th to enjoy the 51 new cards, but that doesn't mean we can't start deck brewing. Come inside are read all about Roon of the Hidden Realm, flickering, and a sweet Bant colored deck.
  • 7,771
    In Commander Johnny-Boosh #3, I use my veritable Johnny skills and my love of Holiday specials to create a commander deck that showcases the creepiest that Magic the Gathering has to offer. MUAHAHAHAHA
  • 3,545
    Theros is here! I coincidentally got the two Gods I wanted during the prerelease! Erebos and Nylea, come on down, it's your turn to spin the wheel! Commander Johnny presents, for your entertainment, two Theros inspired Devotion decks: Bring on tha' Gods!
  • 3,318
    I love me some commander, and Varolz is my current favorite. Wanna see my deck build and hear me prattle on about why Commander is awesome and he is so awesome? Sure ya do!