5,119There are definitely a few Commanders you see more often than others, generally because they are powerful and have good themes to build around. Today I take a look at four of them, with sample decklists and suggestions on how to attack them and possible weak spots.
6,043Black? White? I know there's a bad Michael Jackson joke here somewhere. Selenia is a cool angel, and can put up a fight. Check out this deck and game report! Plus, a contest at the end!
8,075Surprised? What can be done with Xira? Take a look and see.
6,491I know that Scars of Mirrodin is right around the corner, but I couldn't help myself. So here's a deck around a fun, goofy Ooze who can bring the occasional 4 card combo!
6,902Today I take a look at everyone's favorite kraken! Admit it, he is your favorite. Polar Kraken is cool, but he isn't that cool.
5,872Finishing up where I left off, I take a look at more cards for you to consider when building your Commander and EDH decks.
9,413I take a look at the top cards and staples for EDH and Commander, hopefully bringing you some cards that you may not have thought about as well.
5,316Feel like smashing some stuff? Come on, get angry! Angrier! Now you're ready to play with Stonebrow, the Angriest Hero!
4,419M11 is out, and now is the time to take a look at the new cards and how they effect EDH and Commander games. Plus, a bonus deck from a winning opponent in a past article!
7,638Concerned about Eldrazi? Want a deck that has multiple answers to all the large Annihilators? Check this deck out, along with a game report!
5,971Another article, another dragon! Let's make a bunch of tokens and smack our opponents around with Rith!
7,854Today I do a little deck doctoring on a deck using a Merciless Commander recommended by another writer on this site! I keep the deck budget, and put it to the test. Deck and game report to follow!
4,829Continuing with the dragon theme, today we look at a deck using another wedge General, trying to cram in a bunch of fun stuff that I haven't been able to use in other decks. Game report and extra decklist included!
6,771Someone wanted it, so here it is! A deck featuring your favorite graveyard loving dragon, with a Rock and recursion based approach.
4,829Urza's Legacy is out now, and there are definitely a few cards that are worth picking up for your Commander games online. Come on in and take a look! Plus an update on paper bannings for EDH!
5,288Today we look at an explosive Commander and game report that comes about from a reader submission! Huge amounts of mana and large creatures anticipated in this EDH game!
6,278At the recent Community Cup, the Wizards employees put together a bunch of Commander decks for competitive play. EDH is a favorite format of WotC employees, and they brought their A game. Let's take a look at what they played, and if there are any hidden gems and tips we can find.
6,431Let's take a deck based around a cleric that likes it when you sacrifice little critters to feed it's massive ego and make it stronger. EDH deck and game report after the jump!
7,868Now that ROE has been out a little while, it's time to look at what works, and what doesn't, and which cards are deals for purchase. Come inside for an overview of ROE for EDH!
6,495You like to play big splashy fliers in your EDH games? Want some board control in your deck as well? Check out this deck featuring everyone's favorite sphinx with a big behind, and a game report! Plus a bonus decklist by someone you may know!
5,799If you want to know what it feels like to be the Incredible Hulk, by using the largest creature on the board to say "Hulk Smash!" to you opponents, check out this article and game report! Bonus deck list included! Come on in for your EDH fix!
6,535Like using your graveyard to bring back large flying reptiles? Wondering what to do with your FTV: Dragons cards? Even if you aren't, check this article out for some dragony goodness and a game report!
5,545Can a blue Commander deck be made without having a whole bunch of infinite or broken combos, and not annoy the whole table? Look inside to find out, and read a game report as well!
6,074Destruction! Dragons! Demons! Angels?!? That's right, it's time for a Commander deck using an actual dragon, focusing on large spells and creatures. Come on in for a deck and game report!
5,989Come visit the darker side of Commander, with a mono-black control deck and game report!