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  • 2,451
    Alex Ullman (StarCityGames) (@nerdtothecore) and Michael Vadman (@Baron_Sengir) crunch a few numbers and discuss deck metagame analysis in the Pauper world.
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    Happy Halloween one and all. I hope you all get lots of candy... or at least have some weak kids in your neighborhood who make for easy pickin's. Oh yeah, and MTGO stuff too!
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    Vintage Masters was the set that got Shane into drafting in the first place. Join him as he walks you through a draft and see every pick of every pack!
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    We've all sucked at draft at one point or another. If you're still in that hole and want to dig yourself out of it, or if you simply want to improve your Limited play, Psychatrog shows you how in this article!
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    In this article, Marcos tells you about One Buck Challenge, a fairly new PRE on Gatherling.com. He talks about the 3 decks he's played in the format, what he likes and dislikes, and how he managed to craft a trophy winning deck just hours before the tournament.
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    With the new set already online, Tarmotog reviews some cards that may be played in the everlasting Singleton format and discusses the set with the various archetypes in the format.
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    With about half of the upcoming expansion spoiled, it's time to see what new cards might impact the Classic Pauper format. Jason takes a look at the Kaladesh commons that interest him most!
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    The people have spoken and Affinity is the deck. Let's see how this first round works out in the Class Qualifier Tournament #1.
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    Join us (AJ and Paul) as we talk about some bans.
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    Eddie continues his exploration of 1 vs 1 Commander this week with an explosive combo deck based around Sidisi, Undead Vizier.
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    This week, IYankemDDS isn't sure where to go for his second color, but the BNG pack makes the decision a little easier!
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    Lee McLeod made top 8 of U.S. Nationals, never having drafted the M12 format until a couple days before the tournament! Inside, Lee details how he set out to practice learning the new draft format with minimal time.
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    Come take a look at my inaugural article introducing a new series on Magic Online's most powerful format! An introduction to Classic (and eventually Vintage) from the perspective of a (mostly) Fish player who is just getting his feet wet in the format. Includes videos from last Saturday's Classic Daily Event - come see how I did!
  • 2,446
    Season 11 is now at a close time to see which decks rose to the top while the gates were crashed.
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    Continuing to delve into the new Gatecrash draft format, Rick turns his attention to the most ridiculously aggressive guild of them all: Boros!
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    a quick lesson by example: using your life total intelligently to make the most out of your turns
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    TRIBAL APOCALYPSE, the only LEGACY TRIBAL WARS tournament in the whole wide world. The Tribal format, the Tribal players, the Tribal decks, and everything else.
  • 2,444
    Come back to flavor country! Calm Little Buddy returns, preparing to make a change. Eternal formats are where it's at (if you want so save your yearly budget from constant drain), and one of the most diverse formats is Modern. But what to play? And how much will it cost up front? If you're trying to decide on a modern deck, come take a look at what's hot, and more important, what's affordable.
  • 2,444
    Whiff wants to go fast in a Vintage Daily Event. Come on in to see him pilot the imperfect storm.
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    Modern is the smallest non-rotating format. Are you big enough for it? Breaking news: KCI is no more! Izzet Phoenix is everywhere!
  • Santa Baby
    My Christmas Wish List for the top ten cards I would love to see added to MTGO Pauper legality.
  • 2,443
    It's time to draft the Welsh folklore inspired Tribal set! Which tribe would I end up in?
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    In this new article series, Shane breaks down the stats from the MTGO Leagues metagame for Standard, Modern, Legacy and Pauper, as well as Vintage Dailies.
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    I decided to take a break from my usual writing style in lieu of 4th of July festivities. I've been wanting to build a standard Wall deck ever since Rise was spoiled, and I finally have! Will my RWU American Border Patrol be a success, or will it be a... hehe... giant waste of money and resources?
  • 2,443
    I took a deck I though broke the metagame into MOCS. Here's a tournament report.