5,928It's Friday. The Pro Tour has happened, and completely changed Standard. Wizards organized play has happened, and completely changed the Pro Tour. Okay, not completely, but they did make some cool tweaks, including a new Top 8 structure. All that, plus falling prices, tons of news and lots of deck tech, all just a click away.
5,928This week Alex looks at the state of Tron in Pauper!
5,926TRG is 15-0 when he has Vedalken Infuser in his draft deck . . . come find out why.
5,923Join me on my journey playing with a Budget Mono Green Stompy deck in the Standard format as a farewell tribute to the glory of Rancor...
5,922I have been drafting a variety of formats, and have noticed some similarities across them all. If you want to draft a lot for a minimal amount of TIX, you want to draft the weekly NIX TIX format. If you want to win in NIX TIX, but don't know all the formats, here's what you want to remember.
5,920The second part of my War of the Spark review for Modern. In this article I take a look at the gold, colourless and land cards in the set and reveal my Top 8 cards from the set.
5,918Cheshire wants to share his passion of Commander with you, so to do that he is writing a series of articles based on different considerations, deck building guidelines and behaviour guidelines that you can use to make yourself a better member of the community, and a better player. These are THE COMMANDER FILES.
5,915Red is the aggressive color, but has the reputation as weak in Commander. Let's see if I can make enough little dragons to change peoples' minds. Plus a comment on the new banning and rules change!
5,911I'm back for an article with everyone's favorite mobile graveyard! Who wants to get aggro with me? Check out these 3 games!
5,909Inspired by the Blue-Black Aristocrats deck that made a splash at Pro Tour Battle for Zendikar, Alex continues his passion project to port the archetype to Pauper.
5,909I'm using an under-appreciated legend with a bunch of goodies from MBS today. How does she do in battle? Check out this article for a deck list and game report!
5,908I've created over 50 decks for this column. What happens when I count every card I've used? Check it out and see!
5,906A Elbereth Gilthoniel! Silivren penna miriel! O menel aglar elenath! Gilthoniel, A Elbereth!
5,905An introduction to the Pauper Prismatic Format. In this article I show the must have artifacts, as well as Dredge and Transmute cards.
5,905After a brief down time we're trying to get things back on track with a look at a tribe I've been trying to get right since Worldwake ... apes! Then I finish up with a deck built around a non-creature spell. Weird I know.
5,904In 1999 a friend of mine quit Magic just because of me. Eleven years later I paid my debt back to Magic and brought him back. Inside is the story.
5,904Today Steve takes a look at a few different things that are in store for MTGO players once Alara Reborn hits. I talk about every format from Standard to Extended, the newest broken mechanic, and Chris Pikula's sex change.
5,903Standard season using the new set is in full swing and the meta is almost decided. Inside you'll find a brief look at the new meta and a detailed guide for building a rogue deck. If "netdecking" is not your thing, then the information inside can be very valuable to you.
5,894An OP Ed Piece which examines the strengths and weaknesses of the set from a player’s and designer’s perspective.
5,893It's Friday! We are drafting Eternal Masters. Leagues have a couple bugs, but Wizards is on it. In other news, it's Emrakul. All that, plus news, decklists, prices and tech, all just a click away.
5,892TRIBAL APOCALYPSE, the only LEGACY TRIBAL WARS tournament in the whole wide world. The Tribal format, the Tribal players, the Tribal decks, and everything else.
5,892In this follow-up to his article explaining why Wizards should support Standard Pauper, gwyned responds to some of the most common objections from those who say that this format should not become an officially supported format. Using data collected from the last year of hosting a weekly Standard Pauper PRE, gwyned demonstrates how the format supports a large player base, has a healthy metagame, and does not split the player base that supports Classic Pauper.
5,891Deck Constructed Advice for 100 singleton
5,890This week Marcos talks Battlebond and continues his journey through Dominaria Limited.
5,890In a follow up article, I examine the card prices for paper Legacy staples and compare them to MTGO. I hope you brought your calculators and checkbooks!