1,643Blue-Red spells got a lot of new toys to play with in Eldritch Moon. Follow Rick as he tries to bring the archetype together in an EMN-EMN-SOI draft.
1,643TRIBAL APOCALYPSE, the only TRIBAL WARS tournament in the whole wide world. The Tribal format, the Tribal players, the Tribal decks, and everything else.
1,642Getting in some more triple SOI drafts before Eldritch Moon release!
1,641It's time to escape from the land of fairy tales and 3/3 Elks to go back to the enchantment plane. How can you wield this power to defeat your opponents?
1,640Spencer goes over some of the bigger spoilers in Kaladesh to give you his thoughts.
1,640I took the trip up to Columbus to play some Modern and ended up playing some limited as well!
1,640Taking down opponents with bomb-filled draft decks in lots of fun. But doing it with trainwrecks also has its appeal.
1,638Marcos is back with another Hour draft and more sealed league action!
1,636This week our hosts cover the changes in the magic online tournament structure as well as implications for pauper players trying to grind their way towards the PT. Don't miss this week's episode of Common Knowledge!
1,634Spencer talks about being married while play magic competitively
1,633Marcos joins his first Sealed League! Come see how he likes his first taste at leagues as well as 3 other Limited events!
1,633Spencer and Drew discuss their current thoughts on Shadows limited and how and and when you should take a stand in draft.
1,633A look at Temur Reclamation in Pioneer
1,633During my ride thru Core Set 2021 limited, some days were just normal regular days with those little commons and uncommons that fit well together. But once in a while, things get absurdly powerful, with two or more cards turning the world around! Let's talk about those epic combos, shall we?
1,632White and red may not specifically share a tribe in Shadows over Innistrad - but it turns out they kinda do.
1,632Marcos is back from a brief hiatus with Ixalan Limited!
1,632Brewing to the top: Taking first place at September's Zendikar Rising Championship Qualifier.
1,631Come see Tyler's second draft offering and decide for yourself if he made the right picks!
1,631This week Spencer might break his rule of participating in Ban Culture. Should Copy Cat get banned?
1,628The guys do their set review for Eldritch Moon talking about the top 20 cards as submitted by listeners of the show.
1,628Join AJ and Paul as we twirl and tinker with the exotic landscapes of Kaladesh, glare pointedly at Wizards and ask them to stop hedging on the Conspiracy TTC and Commander 2016 card delivery method, and ponder the difference between aether and energy. All this and more!
1,627Join us (Paul and AJ) as we unravel the March of the Machine spoilers.
1,625This week Marcos is back with another Vintage Cube Draft and his Hour of Devastation Sealed Set Review!
1,625I could not be happier!
1,623Hour of Devastation is out and online! Join Rick as he tries to get a grasp on the new draft format.