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  • 3,470
    After having some success at FNM last week playing the Gold Guys deck and finishing 3-1, I started looking for and brewing some new decks for the same purpose...Fun, fairly inexpensive, shenanigans.
  • 2,737
    Grixis decks are everywhere right now and I'm going to show you how to beat them using Tarmo Twin. If you're having problems beating Grixis then you'll want to definitely check out this article!
  • 2,543
    Taking a break from Standard this week and figured I would write about some adventures I have been having in Modern. How much does losing help us? Take a look as I share some of my experiences and how they helped me.
  • 3,990
    Mr. Roskam of the Higher Standards Podcast jumps over to PureMTGO to talk about what changes he is going to make with his UW Control list once Magic Origins is released!
  • 3,470
    In lieu of the recent modern GP, we've seen what Collected Company can do with Elves. Origins spoilers started spilling out, can we recreate the same kind of magic in standard?
  • 2,219
    This week Bernardo joins us to talk about a recent daily event that he played in!
  • 3,835
    Holiday Cube is back and I bring you a crazy one!
  • 1,857
    This week Marcos talks about the Modern GPT for GP Dallas that he took part in before taking part in 1 of 3 Sealed Prerelease events!
  • 8,372
    Matthew comes back for a detailed analysis of Magic Origins in preparation for the prerelease. He analyzes the creature stats and also looks at the removal in order to give you an advantage in the early days of the format.
  • 9,711
    I needed a break from casting Yawgmoth's Will, so I started building Pauper decks! Join me as I make broken plays while slinging commons! Apparently, Affinity is awesome in any format! Stay tuned!
  • 4,580
    It's Friday. Magic Origins is coming fast. The Hall of Fame balloting is beginning, and YOU have a vote. The Holiday cube is live, but the collection screen fixes are not. All this, plus who you should vote for, prices, news, deck tech and more, all just a click away.
  • 4,288
    In this article, gwyned breaks down Magic Origins for Standard Pauper, analyzing each and every card and its potential in the new metagame. Today, in Part One, he covers all of the Common cards tied to the set's mechanics.
  • 3,600
    On June 26th, 150 players sat down in a hotel basement in Plainview, New York to play cards. The name of the game was Vintage; the name of the hotel is not important. There were eight rounds of swiss before cutting to a top 8. Eventually, there was a single winner.
  • 3,034
    Join hosts AJ and Adam as they banter about Origins and what they are most excited about, harrumph over no tuck rule update, talk about various Reddit finds, and talk about one doozy of a dozer.
  • 2,662
    TRIBAL APOCALYPSE, the only LEGACY TRIBAL WARS tournament in the whole wide world. The Tribal format, the Tribal players, the Tribal decks, and everything else.
  • 4,893
    Searching for a happy ending to a tale of unimaginable disaster and horror, nine strangers find themselves holed up together in a farmhouse cellar in rural Texas after World War 3: a young doctor, who survived the nuclear attack, thrown together with a group of wounded and frightened victims. In a makeshift shelter, these companions wait for news from the government while fending off hunger, radiation sickness, and a horde of frightened and dying refugees.
  • 4,008
    This week, we look at a European deck dubbed "The Answer", and I tell you why Vintage is my definition of "real Magic". Plus the answer to last week's "Mull it Over!" Stay tuned!
  • 4,225
    The un-named Omega and the best core set of whole Modern era; Magic Origins. Act two.
  • 3,403
    The Modern Festival Finals didn't go as well as I would have liked, but at least I finished as the Blastoderm that I am. But now a new challenge...building a playable, fun, casual Modern deck to play while building a Magic community at a new store.
  • 2,742
    Take a trip down memory lane with the only player in puremtgo.Com history to 1 - 1 GP Providence 2015, CalmLittleBuddy! And what a time to remember. Magic Origins is coming and with it a lot of cards both old and new. We'e about to enter silly season and this writer is ready to get stupid. That means predictions. Which 4 cards are 'guaranteed' to warp the Standard format? Plus a lecture on why hating on Standard makes you stupid. Take a look.
  • 2,092
    This week Marcos talks about "the vacuum" and gives his set review for Magic Origins!
  • 6,886
    I take a look at the cards from Magic Origins from a Modern Man's perspective. I also give you a few deck ideas based on the cards in the set and poll your opinions on your favourite card from the set.
  • 3,292
    Enjoy Commander and run Ravnica's Maze with your friends. Click the article and find out how to do it. As an added bonus, I've included four decklists to get you and your buddies started.
  • 6,583
    You've read my articles playing this deck. It's time for me to tell you why I think this is the best deck in Vintage right now!
  • 4,579
    It's Friday. Magic Origins is coming, Wizards is fixing the collection screen and log-in problems, and they are testing an improved mulligan system. All this, plus prices, deck tech and more, all just a click away.