Enter a comma separated list of user names.
  • 3,029
    Experience the ups and downs of putting a deck idea into practice. I included a deck tech and some 2 mans to enjoy.
  • 7,150
    Alex is excited about some of the cards in Fate Reforged for Pauper. Come check out which cards he thinks will make an impact in reforging the format!
  • 3,393
    Join me for another Legacy Cube draft!
  • 2,230
    It's time for the Fate Reforged Set Review! Come look to see what Marcos thinks of the new set in anticipation for the Prerelease!
  • 1,821
    Back for another round of draft picks and sealed pools! Come on in!
  • 4,533
    It's Friday. It’s 2015, and State of the Program is back from its Holiday vacation. That means we have prices, deck tech and a ton of news to get through, so grab some coffee and settle back.
  • 3,225
    Watch as Casper narrates a few matches with a slightly different build of UW Heroic!
  • 2,568
    Every common from Fate Reforged, everything you'll need to know about them a week before the prerelease!
  • 3,874
    Call me Ishmael. Some years ago - never mind how long precisely - having little or no money in my purse, and nothing particular to interest me in life, I thought I would surf about a little and see the cyber-y part of the world...
  • 3,603
    TRIBAL APOCALYPSE, the only LEGACY TRIBAL WARS tournament in the whole wide world. The Tribal format, the Tribal players, the Tribal decks, and everything else.
  • 2,040
    Join AJ and Joshua as they dive headlong into spoiler season, take a gander at the planeswalkers of Standard, and reveal their respective shenanigans. All this and more!
  • 34,080
    Once again, we have a Counterspell to reveal. Once again, it is a sweet 1U Instant. Is it as good as our last Preview: Disdainful Stroke? Is it a new Mana Leak or Remand? Or is it something really situational, like Second Guess or Hisoka’s Defiance? Finding out is only a click away!
  • 7,638
    Welcome to my financial based card evaluations for the first week spoilers of Fate Reforged. Who will prevail in the new reforged future with Ugin? Abzan, Mardu, Temur, Sultai or Jeskai? Or maybe the Dragons...
  • 4,380
    Resurrecting an old article series featuring a MTGO Stock Report, I look at a new potential buy based off the MTGO news. (Fate Reforged Spoiler Alert)
  • Vintage DE#12
    And here we have another Vintage DE!
  • 3,762
    In his quest to prepare for GP Providence, amateur card slinger CalmLittleBuddy shows how losing may be the key to making the Top 8! If you've ever had that itch to compete at the highest level of Magic, have a look and see if losing is the way for you to dominate your next event.
  • 2,871
    Let me Inspire You this New Year to use a Tribal theme deck with the KTK Warriors and The Satyrs of Pauper.
  • 3,705
    In this article, gwyned gives his take on the state of the Standard Pauper format. He discusses the impact of the new client, takes a look at some great sources of info on the format, analyzes the current metagame, and offers some thoughts on what's ahead. Check it out!
  • Momir DE#7
    I bring you another Momir DE. Let's see how it went!
  • 2,201
    Still need some help with KTK sealed? John went undefeated in the swiss portion at this PTQ with his sealed deck, but fell short in the Top 8 draft. Come take a look!
  • 2,093
    This week Marcos looks over 2 drafts and gives his early impressions on Fate Reforged!
  • 16,230
    A look at a control archetype within the pauper format and its various flavors.
  • 5,331
    Pete is on vacation, and the normal State of the Program has gone with him. It will be back next week. In the meantime, here's a more philosophical look at the state of MTGO to tide you over.
  • 3,925
    In this article, I talk about a really awesome deck that's also fun to play! (Temur) RUG Delver!
  • Going Rogue!
    Do you always have to play the "Best deck" or one of the top 5 to be successful? Are you tired of playing said decks? Take a look inside as I talk about going off the radar or just throwing a trick into something already established.