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  • 3,456
    TRIBAL APOCALYPSE, the only LEGACY TRIBAL WARS tournament in the whole wide world. The Tribal format, the Tribal players, the Tribal decks, and everything else.
  • 3,456
    I take you through my first paper SoM draft and my first MTGO draft.
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    Why use five colours when you can just use one? Splendid Belt explores the possibilities offered by mono green builds, including some new goodies soon to be ushered in by M11...
  • 3,454
    Jake goes over this weekend's Legacy Heirloom results and gives some ideas for those players looking to jump into the budget oriented forma headfirst.
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    PiDave is back after a few months away and he's now exploring the current Standard metagame. Read on to find what he thinks should be a very nice list to play in the next few months before Return to Ravnica lands!
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    Wizards has announced a bunch of changes recently. Don't panic. Both Magic and the player base have survived changes before. I know - I've lived through twenty odd rotations and a half dozen major format revisions. We also have Wizards introducing new paper formats - and an attempt at a new online format. Let's take a look.
  • 3,453
    This is the first in a two part series about how I recently broke the Standard Singleton format with a U/G deck featuring the ROE Eldrazi. Time to annihilate!
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    With the current dormant state of the block constructed format, I've moved on to its bigger cousin - standard. Come in to see my take on a couple of flavours of green devotion.
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    The final set of the Ravnica block brings the final three guilds, as well as the complexity of drafting three different sets of guilds. As such, the Modern Flashback Series goes in depth on both Dissension itself, as well as the RGD draft format.
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    So many options!
  • 3,451
    It's always distressing when cards are banned. This time was no exception. Between the tears and regrets, people are saying a lot of things. Are the words drowning out the actual point? Are some opinions getting us nowhere?
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    What's the most powerful card in Magic, and how can you get it into play regularly, and early? Also, want to see a cheap Modern deck which can give you 22 mana by turn 4? Then read on...
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    Join me for another exciting week as I continue to tinker with the deck list, provide match-up analyses, and TMNO tournament coverage.
  • 3,449
    The draft addict, at it again. M15 was just released, but I'd managed to find 4 in-person drafts around town before this one. So - this is technically my 5th M15 draft, but my first online. Many people don't like core set drafts, but I find them refreshing - there are still a number of viable deck-archetypes to try for...
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    Join Agur as he takes down a block constructed daily with blue-black control.
  • 3,448
    It's Friday! War of the Spark is coming. The Planeswalker deathmatch bracket has been announced. Wizards has also done a postmortem on the Mythic Invitational: viewership was amazing, everything else was great, except for the format. That will change. Also - digital decklists at MagicFests! All that, plus news, prices, deck tech and more, all just a click away.
  • 3,448
    Herein lies the the results for the June CCC! Those of you who don't know what the CCC is, those of you who'd like to learn a thing or two about card design and those of you who just want to see how you did, come inside! Much treasure awaits ye...
  • 3,447
    In this series I will be running a series of decks from each spectrum of the Legacy format in the 2-man queues on MTGO. Come on in and watch the insanity.
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    Join me this week on Topping the Charts, where we look at the first major event in Born of the Gods standard.
  • 3,446
    TRIBAL APOCALYPSE, the only LEGACY TRIBAL WARS tournament in the whole wide world. Wanna know what the Tribal format is, who the Tribal players are, what the Tribal decks look like, and everything else? The answers are just one click away. Plus video replays, deck techs, and whatnot.
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    Sorin interrupts PNN with his search for an angelic replacement. I talk about how I got started recording videos for free, and I have some coverage of my 100 classic singleton WBG deck.
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    Dig in to check out the most varied Pauper Standard metagame ever, with multiple new entries in the Top8 and the winning comeback of a long forgotten color-combo!
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    This week whiff brings Stronghold to the fore front and takes a look at a previously under powered deck in Agro-Loam as well as a previous non entity in Counter Slivers.
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    I can't resist analyzing drafts. MysticLancer showed us his picks and his thoughts in his article - I added some of my own thoughts.
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    The past two weeks were full of paper and online Vintage for me and I came to realize a few things that I would like to share. Some of you noticed that for P9C I misbuilt my deck. It is good to know that my deck wasn't optimal but not as important as knowing why it happened.